C h a p t e r ➸ 9

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Kaji was glade that she hadn't been questioned about her scars, yet. She hoped that after the incident with Itano again that all who saw them simply forgot about them. But she doubted that.

Well, the finals are coming up. Which means that Korosensei had the whole class-E on over drive with studying. Kaji did have to admit, Korosensei was pretty good at, teaching? Kaji wasn't to sure what to call it. You could say that he was really good at his job.

Kaji felt pretty set for the finals. She had language down to every last bit of it. Science she was good, home ec. she could be worse? There was only one problem, she sucked at math. There were just to many different little things to think about at one time and to many possibilities for Kaji to think of. She had come up with something that might help her some beforehand. But she might end up regretting it.

The students of class-E were gathering up there things to head home as the sky was fading. Kaji found herself staring up at the sunset painted sky. Wondering how the blue sky could change to such bright colors. Maybe she could put those colors into her drawings? Drawing had always been something Kaji enjoyed doing. She had even been told by quite a few people how good she was. Kaji didn't think anything of it though.

Kaji continued her way down the mountain as she could hear footsteps sounding behind her. "Kaji-chan!" Karma seemed to almost chant that as he caught up to the red haired girl.

"You ready for finals...?" Karma's words trailed off as he noticed how Kaji was counting on her fingers. Mumbling something under her breath as she did so. "Kaji-chan?"

"Yes?" Kaji final answered. Gazing up from her own fingers. "Oh," she mumbled, remembering what he had asked. "About that...." Kaji felt herself becoming very skittish all of the sudden. Kaji even felt herself flinch when she met Karma's amber gaze. She was confused about her own actions. Was it really that hard to ask for, help?

"Your good at math, right?" Kaji was final able to get the words out of her mouth.

"You need help, don't you?" Karma's mocking tone rang through Kaji's ears. "Shut up," Kaji said almost immediately after. Karma chuckled before he continued. "Okay, you can come over today."

Kaji did have to question herself about this. She really did need help. Well, what's the worse that could happen?

"Sure," Kaji said, almost mumbling under her breath. Kaji wondered what Karma's eyes were showing right about now, but she couldn't bring herself to look.

Kaji followed along side Karma as the sun still painted the sky. Kaji had tried a few times to slow down her pace so that she could just follow Karma, but he always seemed to match his pace exactly with her's.

Even now, Kaji was still unsure of what exactly to think of the red haired boy. Not like if he's annoying or anything but his personality towards her, pacifically. He always seemed to cling to her whenever he could and he always talked to her before and after school. What did he find interesting in her? Kaji didn't find anything about herself that might attract him to her. With most people, Kaji can tell how they feel about her through there eyes or the way they talk to her. But she just couldn't with him. Karma just made no sense to her.

"Karma-san." The red haired boy hummed as a reply. "What color are your eyes?" It was a strange question, but Kaji just wanted to know for some reason.

Karma didn't answer for a bit, that surprised Kaji. She would think he would answer right away.

"I would say a brown. Why do you ask?" Karma finally spoke. Kaji shrugged, "I was just curious," she said. "And I think your eyes are more of a amber," she added. Kaji couldn't sense anything change about the atmosphere. Even if it was even the slightest she couldn't find. She didn't know what he was thinking at this point.

"What color would you call your eyes?" Karma asked. It took Kaji a bit to realize what he had asked. But the answer came to her in a instant.

"I hate my eyes," she said with a chilly tone.

"Why?" He asked, he seemed to be really pushing to know.

Kaji thought if she should tell him, ether way, it wouldn't really change anything. "I got my father's eyes," she half mumbled under her breath. Kaji did feel a bit relieved that Karma didn't ask anything else.


Kaji had a bad habit of biting her lip when she was trying to concentrate. She really only did that during school, everything else just came naturally. It didn't help that Karma's amber eyes were fixed on her and her alone.

Kaji felt a sigh leave her lips as she tossed the paper to Karma. She lost count on how many times Karma has had her do the same problem over and over and over again.

"That's good," Karma hummed. Kaji felt relieved, she's was just happy she didn't have to do the same problem over again.

"Now," Karma almost sang out his words as he set the paper down and iced his gaze to Kaji's icy eyes. "Could you teach me some German?" He asked. It took Kaji a bit to realize what he had asked.

"Why?" She asked. Karma just simply shrugged. "Okay," Kaji mumbled, reposing herself so that her legs were now crossed.

"Hallo would pretty much be like hi while gutan Tag is more formal and would stand for hello." She could hear Karma repeating the words under his breath. "Wie geht es dir would be how are you. However," Kaji added, "if you ask a German how they are doing they will most likely tell them your life's story." Karma chuckled at her words.

"So it's hello, gutan tag, and wire geht es die." Kaji couldn't help but chuckle as Karma listed off the words.

"What's so funny?" Karma asked, his voice almost sounding confused. "Is es dir," Kaji said, making sure to slow down her pronation.

"Ed die?"

"Es dir."

"...........Es..... Dur?"

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now