C h a p t e r ➸ 20

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I will go ahead and say that I apologize for not updating in ages. I was in a writers block for quite sometime. And another thing I've noticed, this story has 9k reads. Just-how? I don't see how people would want to read my crappy fanfic. But anyway, I really really appreciate all the likes and comments and what not. But I'll stop talking now so enjoy! I guess?


The final exams had just ended, and the E-class ended up doing wonderful. Taking up almost every last spot on the top 50. Kaji wasn't to worried about it, all she needed was sleep. She can't remember the last time she had a goodnight of rest. Right after she had gotten over herself being only part human, the exams popped up. Kaji ended up staying up very late to study. She didn't even sleep the night before she had to teach the class. She definitely didn't look forward to that, but it did end up going a lot better than she had thought.

Although, the week had been okay? There was the thing with the chairmen and Korosensei, which was resolved pretty easily. That and just the exams in general. Kaji only had one more day before the weekend. Which she is looking forward to a little to much.

It was lunch, and Kaji just wished she could eat her sushi in peace. She could feel Karam's amber eyes burning her skin. It didn't help that he was only a couple inches from her, leaning over the red haired assassin, using her desk for support. That was another reason she was looking forward to the weekend. Karma had become even more clingy. He practically followed her everywhere she went. Kaji was unsure if it was annoying or not, since he had helped her a few times.

"Kaji-chan," Karma finally spoke, startling Kaji at first. She replied with a simple hum. "Do you eat enough?" Kaji gazed up from her meal. "Why do you ask?"

"Your rather thin," he said, his amber eyes falling to Kaji's food. Kaji found herself shrugging, "I've just always been this way." Karma was still eying her food, Kaji was starting to wonder if he was after her meal. She wouldn't doubt it, she could see him doing something like that. She could always stab his hand with her chopsticks if he decided to try and steal her food. Not enough to do anything really bad but enough to hurt.

A long silence grew between them. Till Kaji finally broke it, becoming fed up with the silence. "Has anyone ever told you that your annoying?" She said, keeping her eyes castes downward.

"Probably," he replied.

"Probably?" Kaji echoed, "what do you mean by probably?"

"I either don't remember it or they didn't live long to tell the tell." Kaji could hear the smirk across his face as he spoke. Easily picking out his sarcasm.

"Interesting," Kaji mumbled, taking a bite out of her food.

"Interesting? How so?" Kaji could see how he was trying to dig deeper and deeper. Kaji found herself gazing from side to side, making sure no one was around to over hear them.

"I mean," Kaji almost coughed out those words, "you've never actually killed someone?" The silence that followed have Kaji her answer. With him being this close to her, she felt like she could read the atmosphere around him better. But even so, she could be wrong. But surely he hadn't killed someone?

"Of corse not," Karma said, Kaji could head the truth in his words. Not only that, but she could hear the burning question he wished to asked her. Even if the answer is obvious.

"What do you think?" Kaji asked, the words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself. She would of rather not of said that. "What do you mean?" Karma asked, rather softly. Kaji stayed quite for a moment, wishing she could just take back what she said. Even so, even if he already knew the answer, he wanted to hear it come out of her mouth again. She just knew it.

Kaji found her eyelids falling shut. "You know the answer." Kaji was happy she could get those words out at least. She just hoped that he wouldn't press on.

Karma hummed to himself as his free hand reached forward. In a swift monition, the chopsticks Kaji held were now resting in between Karma's middle and index finger, dangerously close to his skin.

"If you want to carry on a conversation with me I would prefer to talk about something other than that." Kaji voice came out colder than she had wanted to. Even so, she knew she had gotten her point across. Karma retreated his hand and it disappeared beyond the desk.

"Well what do you wish to talk about," Karma had empathized wish quite a bit. Almost hissing the single word. Kaji didn't say a word, she just searched her mind for the right response.

"Where did your name come from?" Karma just replies with a hum. He probably didn't even hear what Kaji had said she said it so quickly. Kaji took a breath and said her words more slowly this time.

"Where did your name come from?" Kaji knew that he had herd her that time, but he looked at her like he's never been asked that question before. Surely he's been asked thus before? Karma is just such a strange name, to Kaji at lest.

"My parents really like India, and their culture and such. So my name just ended up being Karma."

"So, like Buddhism?" Kaji asked.

"Exactly," Karma said, he seemed to lean back farther into his seat, "I guess there's no point in asking where your name came from."

Kaji blinked, wondering if there was an answer to this unanswered question. She had just always been called Kaji and was never given a reason why she had been named that. She just assumed that her name had just been practically pulled out of a hat. Kaji quickly pushed those thoughts out of her head, that was quickly filled up by another thought. A faint smirk appeared across Kaji's lips.

"Have you ever herd the term karma's a bitch?" Karma seemed to think for a moment before answering. "Plenty of times, depends on how your using it." Kaji could hear from his tone that he knew where she was going with this.

"Well, I for one, like to think that it's very true," Kaji could hear her own playful tone ringing in her voice. "In both ways."

"So you're calling me a bitch?" Karma's voice was full of amusement.


"That's harsh."

Kaji chuckled, "that's the point."

"What if I called you a bitch?" Kaji could practically see Karma poking the beehive. And he seemed to really be enjoying himself.

Kaji shrugged, "I wouldn't deny it, I really can be a bitch sometimes."

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now