C h a p t e r ➸ 7

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"I don't fight anyone weaker than me."

Itona's words still echoed around Kaji's mind. Even after 3 weeks after he had appeared in class-E with Shiro. It just kept on bugging her, what the silver haired boy had said to her. Sure, he was pretty strong, but what made him that way? The tentacles made him strong, but what drove him forward?

Kaji felt a sigh leave her lips, that question would probably bug her. For quite sometime. She tried her best to push that thought out of her mind, knowing that it would just get in her way if she didn't.

Kaji had herd some rumor about some new gym teacher, one to replace Karasuma to make class-E assassins in no time. If it was true, what would change? Kaji shook her head, forcing herself to stop thinking about all these different possibilities to her questions. She had a bad habit of that, something that just kinda built atop itself over the years.

"Kaji-chan," a familiar voice sounded behind her. Kaji felt like she knew his voice by heart now, he was just so clingy. Kaji was unsure if he was a nuisance or not.

"You don't have a cat today, do you?" Karma asked in a mocking tone. Kaji had also noticed how much he seemed to enjoy messing with her. She didn't see why, it's not like he got that much of a reaction from her.

"No," Kaji replied, her tone was ruff, but also some what soft. Karma chuckled to herself, with Kaji only being able to catch it ever so faintly. "Are you sure?" He said, picking up his pace so that he was now walking in front of Kaji as he stared down at her. Kaji surprised herself when she just now noticed how much tailer he actually is. "Or should I check your bag?" he continued.

"Yep," Kaji replied almost before the red haired boy could even finish his sentence. His amber eyes seemed to shift to some sort of different emotion before she spoke again."You are annoying," Kaji stated briskly and picked up her pace to past him before she could see his reaction through his amber eyes.

Karma's light footsteps soon sounded behind as he picked up his pace to catch up with the icy eyed girl.

"Anyways," he said as he matched Kaji's pace once more. "Have your herd about the new gym teacher?" He almost seemed excited about. Kaji nodded, feeling a bit relieved that she didn't have to ponder on if the rumors were true or not. "It seems like your pretty interested in it," Kaji said under her breath, wondering if Karma would even hear it.

Kaji didn't notice any sort of reaction from the red haired boy, till he threw his arms up into the air to rest them behind his head. Kaji felt herself jump from the sudden movement, since she had been so focused on any sort of movment from him. Kaji lowered her head for a split second before pulling it right back up. She was confusing even herself.

"I'll probably skip it then," Karma said with a almost bored like tone. "Want to join me?" Kaji could feel his amber eyes gazing down at her, waiting for her answer. Kaji shook her head, "I'm curious about how this will play out." There was a pause before ether of them spoke, it felt like a eternity to Kaji. It did suddenly hit Kaji. Didn't she have some sort of conversation like this everyday? Not like the same words or topic, but how it's playing out? Didn't she talk to Karma everyday as they were heading to there secluded classroom? And even the afternoons sometimes?

Karma final let out a long huff, cutting Kaji from her scrambled thoughts. "You know," he said, "curiosity killed the cat."

"But I'm not a cat," Kaji said, receiving a burning look from Karma's amber eyes. "I'm a wolf." Kaji quickly walked off, not realizing what she said till after she had. What surprised her the most was not being able to hear Karma's footsteps hurrying to catch up with her.


Akira Takaoka.

Akira Takaoka.

Kaji already hated him. He had such a terrible vibe around him. One where her mind were telling her to run away while her body was telling her to kill him. Make his blood scatter all around the field, to paint the green grass with his scarlet red blood.

Even just the look in his eyes. The smile he flashes to all of the students in class-E. It was, frightening.

Kaji couldn't even hear her own light footsteps against the stone ground her mind was buzzing so much. Like a beehive scrambling to defend there nest, but without a Queen to guide them how can they even go on?

Kaji barely noticed the figure standing in front of her. Only stopping herself with only a couple feet with her and the figure between them.

"Kraftvoll-san," Takaoka said with a bright smile on his face. However, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, Kaji could see something burning in his eyes. She just had no idea what.

"Kaji," she added quickly.

Takaoka chuckled under his breath. "Kaji-san?" He seemed to be questioning himself. "Or do you want me to call you by your assassin name." Every muscle in her body tense. Her icy eyes darkened quite a bit, almost as dark as her father's.

"Little Wolf-" Takaoka ended his sentence quickly. As a cold piece of metal lightly grazed his neck. With only a quick monition could slit his throat.

Kaji's icy eyes were dark, they were practically her father's eyes now. Dark and cold. Willing to kill anything that would stand in her way.

"Do you want to kill me?" Takaoka asked. Kaji knew by now that he was just messing with her. Seeing how far he could push her. You could easily see from the crazed smirk stretched across his face.

"You have a terrible vibe," Kaji stated in a sharp German tone. "One where I could see you killing anyone as you please." Kaji was sure that Takaoka knew what her answer was. She would kill him. She wanted to kill him.

"You won't kill me." Takaoka said. "Not in front of those classmates of yours." Kaji felt her grip tighten around her sword and sweat beginning to appear along her forehead. "They treat you so kindly unlike so many others. Like your just a normal human being." He spoke with such ease. Making Kaji want to kill him even more.

Her muscles were practically screaming "kill kill kill kill kill" but she forced herself back. Kaji didn't even want to think about what her classmates might think if they figured out that she had killed someone right there and then.

"Are you going to kill-" with a flash of shining metal, Kaji had slid her sword back in its rightful place. Lowering her head to cover her eyes, Kaji stepped to to side to pass by the larger man.

She couldn't deal with this. Kaji couldn't kill him. Not matter how much she wants to.


"Karma-kun?" Nagisa questioned his tall red haired friend as they were heading down the mountain side from the end of the day. Karma grunted as a reply, though his amber gaze was gazing up to the sunset lit sky.

"Is there any reason why your around Kaji-san a lot more?" Nagisa asked. Sure Karma has been his friend for ages, and it's not like he was jealous of the red haired girl. He was just curious.

Karma hummed as he searched for the right answer. "She's fun to mess with," he said. Nagisa gazed up, trying to see into his amber eyes. He was still searching for another answer.

"Your not, interested in her?" Nagisa asked, in almost a joking matter. Karma chuckled, "I don't know," he said with his words scrambled up with more of his laughter. "We'll have to see!"


You know, it's surprised me on how fast this has gotten reads and votes. Is it the character? Or the story line? Or even how I write? I'm just curious.

Oh well, I may or may not be working on his story more than my other but we'll see.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt