Information? Sort of?

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I had no idea what to call this so I just came up with that.

First off, I honestly cannot believe that this story has reached 21k reads and 1k votes. I just find it crazy that there are actually people out there reading my story. That and I also love comments, but, I have no idea why, when I see I have a comment somewhere I get this thought "what if its hate?" Just because I really would not want to deal with that but I end up enjoying them in the end. And I really don't mind when people correct my spelling, especially my German. I just wanted to get that out there.

Another thing is that it might take longer for me to get chapters out. I normally do my writing on the bus, in the morning and afternoons, but I'm just so tired I just end up not writing. Along with that I know what I want to happen but I'm not sure how I should make it happen. Does that make sense? I really have no idea.

Let's see, what else did I want to say? Ah yes, I want to do something like a Q&A. Does that sound good? Does to me.

So if you do have any questions whatsoever about this book, or even me if you really want to know, you may leave that here.

If I get a nice amount of questions I will do a whole part dedicated to those.

I would also really like to know what you people may think of my story? As in Kaji or the story line in general? I'm really just curious, I guess.

And before I bid good day I am publishing this on Valentines Day so happy valentines!

P. S.
I will slowly start to get through correcting my grammar and spelling mistakes.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now