C h a p t e r ➸ 27

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Unlike most of the other students who were stressing about there tests, Kaji had already taken hers and had gotten into Kunugigaoka with ease. Having that out of the way and not many other things to worry about, Kaji decided to put her attention else where.

Being able to see out of both of her eyes clearly now, Kaji happily made her way to the public library to research a few things. After thinking for a moment she decided to start on "mythical creatures". She grabbed as many books she could carry and sat herself down at a table.

She was unsure how long she had been reading when she felt a presence looming over her shoulder. She jumped at the sudden figure and whipped around to see, to much of her surprise, Karma smiling down at her.

"I wouldn't of thought to see you reading about that." He said, still smiling down at her. Kaji took a moment to gather her response. She was still rather skittish about there last one-on-one conversation. Karma, on the other hand, didn't seem to be bothered by it at all.

"Do you remember what the God of Death said?" She kept her voice low, for one she was in a library and two she didn't wish for anyone else to hear. Karma's expression shifted, and he nodded. "Shiro said the same thing to me, but he referred to it as Scarlet Wolf."

"And you're seeing if you can find anything related to it?" Karma said, his head slightly cocked to one side. Kaji simply nodded. There was a short silence between them, before Karma's gaze shifted from Kaji's icy eyes to her stack of books. "Which one's have you gone through?" He asked. Kaji gestured over to the stack on her left. He reached over and picked up one of the other stacks, and he sat himself right across from her.

"I guess you don't have anything better to do." Karma seemed to shift slightly, he opened the book while keeping his eyes on her. "That, and I would just rather spend sometime with you." With that Karma shifted down to the book and silence engulfed them.

As Kaji and Karma went from book to book they found practically nothing, looking through all the books that might possibly have some connection with the Scarlet Wolf. Kaji did however find a few interesting things about Karma. For starters, it was rather entertaining to watch him become restless from staying in one spot and doing the same thing for so long. He would tap his finger or shake his leg, a few times he would even get up and just pace around while reading. Kaji found this oddly entertaining. She wasn't sure if it was just because she wanted just about any excuse to distract herself or because she found another flaw in Karma's personality.

Having moved away from Karma's habits a while back and had continued on with her own research, Kaji hadn't notice that Karma had gotten up and had moved back behind her till he slammed a book down in front of her. She jumped, rather startled by this.

Karma's fingers traced the old book he had set in front of the assassin till he found what he had been looking for. Being and old book, the pages were slightly hard to read, but Karma has found an article that was labeled The Blood Wolf of the Night.

The Blood Wolf of the Night is an ancient being that would haunt families for generations. The Wolf picks a family that was destined for sorrow and pain, and feeds off of the host's own pain and suffering. The Wolf gains his name by the way he is said to torment his hosts by night, he's said to slip into their dreams and slowly grow more and more connected with them.

That was it. It was short and held little information. Kaji was rather disappointed by this.

"Well?" Karma sounded a bit impatient. "Where did you find this?" Kaji asked as she lifts the book to see the title. Haunting Spirits of Old.

"In the restricted section." Karma sounded rather proud of himself. Kaji quietly sighed to herself, "of course."

"Does it help though?" Kaji could hear a bit of worry in his voice.

"Somewhat?" Kaji tried her best to collect her thoughts. "The suffering family part is right at least, I think. And the dream thing, I swear I saw an odd Wolf in my dreams once." Kaji was very unsure. "To tell the truth I really don't know. There just isn't enough information." Kaji snapped the book shut. "I doubt we are going to find anything else. But I do appreciate the help." Kaji gazed up at Karma. Had he gotten taller? Of did she just feel smaller. She feels her cheeks flush ever so slightly.

"It's rather funny, thinking back," Kaji said just out of the blue. Karma titled his head, "how so?"

"I was pretty freaking petty. Like some cliché character." Kaij chuckled, as did Karma. "I won't disagree with you," he said, chuckling as he did so.

There was a short pause between them and Karma brought himself closer to Kaji, and spoke softly. "Are you still planning on your first career choice?" He sounded rather conceded, and he sounded like he wasn't trying to hide it.

It took Kaji a moment to go through her memories before she finally remembered. Her wanting to continue to be an assassin.

"To tell the truth," she said, "I haven't thought about it for a while."

"But do you....?" Karma's voice trailed off. Kaji shook her head.
It makes me feel so much better about publishing chapters once I've gone over them. Why have I never done this before?

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now