C h a p t e r ➸ 5

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Kaji knew one thing for sure. She wasn't dead.

She chose to keep her eyes closed, knowing that the high schoolers from before had to be hovering around her. Her hands were tied behind her back and her sword was gone. And her head hurt like hell. She wouldn't be surprised if there was a big lump on the top of her head.

Low snickering rang in Kaji's ears, about two from what she could hear. There could be more, but it wouldn't make a difference. Kaji slowly opened her eyes, being met with a snap of pain for a second and a dark room. Things seemed small from her being seated on the floor. Gazing up, Kaji met the eyes of one of one of high schoolers. They were a cold brown, but not as cold as Kaji's.

"Oh," he said, his voice almost sliding along. "Those are quite some cold eyes you've got there." He stood back up from crouching in front of there captive. He gazed back and motioned with his hand, with another appearing out of the darkness, with Kaji's sword slung over his shoulder. Good, only two of them.

"A girl like you shouldn't be walking around with a sword of all things," one said, followed by laughter. Kaji said nothing, not even making a sound. There laughter soon died away. "Huh?" He said, taking the sword from the other and pointed it right at Kaji. "Something wrong?" The tip of the shielded sword was barely away from Kaji's face. Her cold icy eyes stared into his brown ones, the high schooler flinched.

"Your not very smart," Kaji said, her voice not changing a note. There faces shifted to a more confused look. Most likely from her accent, and her choice of words.

"First off," Kaji continued, "your not very good at tying nots." Without any sort of struggle, Kaji removed her hands from her back. Without any remains of anything that could of held them together. The high schoolers flinched once again. They just seemed like all bark and no bite.

With a sudden thought, the high schooler jerked back Kaji's sword, only to find that it wouldn't budge. The next thing he knew was the sword disappearing from his grip. The high schooler stumbled backwards, startled.

Kaji jumped up from the ground, slipping the sword back over her head. In a quick movement, she drew the blade out of its case and held the blade out in front of her.

"And it's not very smart to wave the hostage's own weapon right in front of them," Kaji voice seemed to send chills down there spins. You could clearly see it from the looks on there faces. This pleased her.

Kaji rubbed the back of her head, feeling the bump on the back of her head. Who knows how long it will stay there, Kaji just found it annoying. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, turning her icy gaze to the high schoolers.

People like this always annoyed Kaji. All they did was freeze up, and look terrified. She hated that look. When people stared at her in fear. She felt like it was her job to put them out of there misery. So they couldn't live the rest of there lives with her image in there heads. Haunting their nightmares with her cold wolf like gaze.

Taking a step forward, Kaji found herself unable to move. She knew nothing was holding her back, physical. There seemed to almost be a little voice in the back of her head. One Kaji was not familiar with.

These high schoolers don't deserve to die. It's not like they've killed someone. They have a chance, one to make things better than before.

Besides, Kaji's target is that damned yellow octopus.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The sky was now dark with the crescent moon shining in the sky. While her classmates were who knows where having fun, Kaji was sitting in the corner of the room with her nose in a book. If anything, Kaji had figured that she had to be anti social. She didn't really like being around others, she just felt sort of uncomfortable. She's always been like this, ever since she can remember.

It didn't take long for the rest of class E to slow flood back into the room. Even if all the girls had to share a room, Kaji really didn't care. As long as anyone didn't brush against her while she's sleeping she's perfectly okay with it. Even if she is anti social.

"Kaji-san." The red haired girl peered over her book at the sound of her name. Finding herself staring up at Kayano's green eyes.

"How's your head?" She asked, her face was so sweet, showing a warm heart. But, for some reason, Kaji had a strange feeling tickling the back of her mind about Kayano.

"Oh," Kaji hummed, finding herself lowering her book. She had almost forgotten that she got hit in the head with a pipe, or something. "Perfectly fine, thank you," she replied.

Kayano smiled, tilting her head to the side. "Good to hear," she said. "It was pretty scary seeing you go so limp." By the tone of her voice, Kayano was relieved, and seemed to be just joking around about it now. Kaji could imagine herself falling to the ground like a limp rag doll.

"Kaji-san!" Nakamura's cheerful tone suddenly popped in. She hovered over Kayano with a smirk across her face. Her blue eyes staring down at Kaji. She clearly had something in mind.

"Is there anyone your interested in?" Nakamura's question puzzled Kaji. Causing her head to fall to one side. "Like, love?" Kaji asked, she was unsure of what exactly she was asking. Kaji had of corse read romance books, even though she didn't enjoy them as much, but it's not like real life will end up like some made up story.

Nakamura nodded her head. Kaji simply replied with a shrug. Kaji almost overlooked the smirk that crossed Kayano's lips.

"Karma-kun seems pretty attached to you," the green haired girl said.

Kaji's icy blue eyes stared up at her in confusion. Actually, the more Kaji thought about, Karma did seem kind of clingy to her.

By now there conversation had seemed to catch the attention of the others in the room. Even Bitch-sensei seemed to be leaning in to hear more.

Nakamura chuckled. "I could see it!" She said, nodding her head in approval. Kaji started to sink behind her book. However, a familiar pink octopus caught her eye. "Korosensei," Kaji snapped, causing everyone to turn towards him. He simply chuckled with his pink face.

Before long, the others were bugging him about his love interest. Since he did seem to like, boobs. In a flash, Korosensei was gone and Bitch-sensei declared they would chase after him and make him spit it out.

Kaji stayed put as all the girls dashed out after Korosensei. Her icy eyes stared at the empty doorway for a few moments. Finding herself laughing quietly over her sillily classmates.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ