C h a p t e r ➸ 32

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Luckily for Kaji, Karma, for some reason, had been awake this late at night and had agreed to meet her so late.

The night air was cool against Kaji's skin. She was till slightly shaken by her whole dream. She sat under a lone streetlight in the park, waiting for Karma to appear. She found herself rather tired, which was surprising for she was built to go long periods of time without sleep. She was doing her best to keep herself awake.

But she found herself dozing off and her eyelids becoming heavy. Before she knew it, Kaji found herself in a light worried sleep.

Luckily for Kaji, Karma had shown up shortly after. He sat down next to her and moved rather close to her, and just sat there, waiting for her to wake.

Kaji didn't stay asleep for long, a good 10 minutes at the least. As she woke she realized how dumb it was of her to fall asleep in the middle of a park at night. She noticed Karma sitting next to her and moved slightly closer to her, feeling rather relieved.

"That was very stupid of me," she mumbled, still feeling rather drowsy.

"I won't disagree with you," Karma said with a chuckle.

Kaji rested her head on his shoulder, "thank you," she said, "for coming out this late."

"Of course," Karma breathed, "and for what reason?"

"I had a really weird dream," Kaji said, slightly nervous, "but it just felt so real." She took a breath, searching her mind for the right words. "Remember when we researched about the wolf?"

"Yeah," Karma said, he spoke quietly.

"I saw it, in my dream." After a pause Kaji continued. "It was red, like my hair color, and had a single blue eye, just like mine." Karma said nothing, so Kaji continued. "And in this dream it was snowing, and through the snow I saw my father, and I froze up." Kaji paused once again, taking heavy breaths. "I hadn't even thought about him in ages, and the wolf appeared in between my father and I, it was almost like it was protecting me." She took another breath. "But I don't know if I should be scared or not."

Karma didn't say anything at first, it was just quite. "How did your father die?" He asked, very quietly.

"It was rather stupid, the way he died," Kaji said, rather surprised by how the words just flowed out of her mouth. "I went with him everywhere, and we were here in Japan for some business, and while he alone was being driven to somewhere he was hit, and died from blood loss." Kaji took a breath, "I was never his heir, so I was just left here. Left here to die."

"I'm glade you didn't," Karma spoke softly. This made Kaji flush, she laughed.

"It's rather funny," Kaji said, feeling a lot more relaxed. She felt Karma shift, "What is?"

"Karma can get rather sappy."

"What the hell does that mean?" Kaji eyes darted over to Karma, his cheeks were red.

"You actually have a soft side."

"So I don't look like I have one?"

"Or act like you have one either." Kaji laughed, "You are quite a bitch."

"It kind of hurts when your girlfriend calls you a bitch."

"G-girlfriend?" Kaji cursed herself for stuttering.

"Does that bother you?" Kaji could head Karma's smirk. "Of course not," she snapped back.

"I doubt that." By now Karma was just getting on her nerves.

"Oh really?"

"You're not hard to get flustered."

"I could say the same for you." Kaji has moved back, now staring into Karma's amber eyes.

"Not as badly as you do."

"Is that a bet?" Kaji might just regret saying those words, for she saw Karma's eyes shine.

"I'm sorry," Karma said with a wide smirk, "could you repeat that for me?"

"Is that a bet?" Kaji made sure to pronounce every word clearly. Kaji knew she couldn't back out now.

Karma's eyes shined brightly as he shifted to completely face Kaji. He reached forward and held Kaji's face, she did all she could to keep her cheeks from glowing. He pulled her face closer to him and placed a light kiss a top her head. His lips were warm, as they seem to always be. Kaji squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it might help. She heard Karma laugh, and his warmth breath against her skin. "I've already won," he said, before his lips meet her's.

When he pulled away Kaji looked back into is eyes, and she smiled. "This is why you're a bitch."

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now