34. Grandpa

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Richard White

I push the bell and wait the door to open. I see one little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looking at me.

"Good morning.. who are you looking for?" she said. I could see, she has same eyes with Nathan and same with my wife. How could I have a heart to let her grown up for so long without daddy's in her life.

"Who's coming Anna?" Anna.. Then I see Ariella just stand and look at me.

"Good morning... May I come in?" I asked.

"Yes.. please have a seat sir.. Anna.. could you wait upstairs, mommy gonna talk some private.."

"Sure mommy.." she said but before she walk away I called her.

"Hey little girl.. May I know your name?" I said. I see her look at her mommy. Ariella nodded and she came closer facing me.

"I'm Anna.. Anna Rose Grace..." I smile and touched her hair..

"Beautiful name for beautiful girl." I said.

"Thank you..." she said and walking upstairs.

I sighed and looking at Ariella.

"You have a beautiful daughters Ariella.."

"Thank you sir.. please have a seat.."

"I.. I don't know what should I do for the mess that I've been made up..." I quiet and looking at her. She didn't looks like she hated me, not like I've imagine before.

"Please forgive me for what I've been done with you and Nathan... I should be the one if you wanna be blamed for.. I arranged everything to make you left him.. I thought I just want to save my son and gave him a better life that he deserve.. but I was totally wrong.."

"I'm the one who destroyed his life and you.. When you left, he is not like Nathan as I know, he's no longer alive.. almost every night, I should drag him out from bar to bar.. He's too drunk to get home by his self."

"When he found out that I'm the one who makes all of these, he was so angry with me.. until now I could said he still.. I know I've been too much get out from his boundary.. and I also know that I'm the worst father in the world maybe, but please help me.. help my son.. I couldn't bear any longer seeing him again like this.. I know I shouldn't ask you to forgive me for what I did to you.. but I want make one thing that right in my life for my son.. Please come with me to Los Angeles.. That's the only thing I know that I could do for him."

I bown down on my knee facing her. She grab my shaking hands and help me seated again back on the couch..

"Sir.. Please don't do this.. What's done is done.. It was in the past.. As a father and as parents, I know that you just want to protect your son, you just try to give all of the best for your son.. I understand that.. "

"I'm so sorry for everything Ariella.. I'm-"

"I forgive you for a long time ago sir.." then I just can shut my self.. Nathan was right.. Ariella is different with any other girl.. I shouldn't doubt it long time ago.

"Thank you... your daughter.. she has the same eyes like my son.. and also same like my beloved wife." I smile.

"Yes sir, she has his eyes.. can you give me a second?" she excuses her self. After awhile she come back with two little girl walking through me.

"Anna.. Alya.. he is your grandpa.." Ariella said while they standing in front of me.

"Grandpa? I have a grandpa?" I could said the little one seems so excited. And without any hestitation, she came and crush herself to me.

"Hi Grandpa.." she said. I couldn't said anything, tears escape from my eyes.

"Hi sweety.." and the older one came closer and hold my hand.

"Hi Grandpa.. you really looks like daddy but just a little bit older and wrinkle.." she smile and hug me too.

If only I'm not doing what I did before, I will have this feeling since long time ago, hugging by adorable granddaughters around me. I know about Alya with the information that I've looking before..

Ariella Grace

I just sit on the private plane heading to Los Angeles today. Nathan's father was there talking and telling story with my daughters. I look away through the window and recall back the moment yesterday..

*flash back*

I walk through the room with so many people there.

"Hey there you are.." Daniel came and hold my hands.


"Come on.. I want you meet my parents.." He slowly walked me through his parents.

"Mom.. Dad.. may I introduce you with Mrs Ariella Grace please.." they look at me for awhile and his dad shakes my hand and give me their genuine smile.

"I'm Ariella Grace." 

"Ohh.. John Smith and this is my wife Jenny Smith." I smile.

"Nice you meet you dear.. Daniels talk so much about you." Mrs. Smith said.

I just stare around me looking for Nathan. Is he coming as he told before? I don't know anyone in here but one thing I know, they all are important businessman and doctors I thought. I just sit alone while Mr. Smith and any other people just talking and telling much story about their life."

I heard someone cleared his throat and I could see Daniels standing on the stage.

"I wanna have someone come with me on this stage.. Please Miss Ariella Grace.." He said and I see all sight was focus on me following Daniels's stare. 

I stand and make my way to the stage.. what is he doing? I try to calm my self and get on the stage. I just don't wanna humiliating him in front of so many people here.

"In this special night.. In front of my parents, my families, and my friends.. I want you all be my guest for this special night. I want you be my witness for this.." 

Oh Jezzz! I see him kneeling in front of me.

No.. no.. please don't..

I look at the people who seems surprised and so did I.. then I look again to him.

He holding a little box and I see a tiny ring with a diamond was there.

"Ariella Grace... I knew you've been through many things in your life, but I want to give you happiness like you never ever imagine before.. let me be part of you life.. I wanna said that I love you... Will you marry me?"  I closed my eyes, I wish I could closed my ears too but I can't.

People start shouting yes and yes and clapping their hands.. what should I do now..

I see Mrs Smith just closed her mouth and looking at me full of hope.. 

"If you still silent than I take it as yes.."  I take a look at him but before I could said one word, he already slip that ring in my finger. 

People seems happy and cling their champagne, I could see people start coming through us and give us greetings.. No.. 

Then I just can hold my breath.. I see Nathan was there.. standing looking at me. This moment take me back at that night when I was standing there watching him. 

I see he nodded and smiling at me. No.. Nath... No.. and he walk out from the room..

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now