4. Hospital

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Anna Grace

I went to Alya classroom. But when I take a look inside the classroom.. the classroom is empty and no one else there..

Alya... you're already made a promise with me.. where are you? then I look Mrs. Diana come and walk hurried. I walk closer to reach her.

"Mrs. Diana.." I called her.

"Oh... Anna... Come with me to the garden.." She said panickly.

"What happen Mrs. Diana?" I said while we walking hurried to there.

"Your sister... Alya-"

"Alya fainted while we were playing hide and seek in the garden." said one of girl beside Mrs. Diana.

"What? How??" I run with her and I see my little sister was gasping her breath. What happen to her. Then I open my bag and get in the oxygen tube to help her breath.

"Breath Alya... breath..." I said while holding that oxygen into her mouth. My mom already teach me how to use it in case of emergency like this one.

After awhile I see her cough and open her eyes.

"Annaa..." I cried and hug her.

"What happen?" Then I heard my mom coming and hug Alya.

"They just playing hide and seek mom and suddenly when Alya running she's falling and grasping for air like she can't breath." I said.

"Mommm.." she said weakly.

"Come on baby we're getting to hospital." My mom take Alya in her embrace while I tidy up her things and following my mom. I wipe down my tears. I don't want something happen to her. I should come before all of these happen. Even I already promised that I can protect her but I can't.

I still following mom while she took Alya to the emergency unit. I'm just waiting outside then I see my mom coming closer and sit beside me.

"Doctor said she's okay.. Do you want to let me know what happen?" I look at my mom and I'm afraid to found anger in her eyes, but I just see her watery eyes looking at me.

"Mom... I'm sorry... "

"No.. baby.. come here" Mom hug me and hold me in her lap.

"This is my fault mom.." I said sadly.

"No baby.. " my mom put a strain of my hair behind my ears and cupping my face.

"Is Alya okay?" I asked.

"She will be okay honey.." she smile and we only wait until doctor comes up. I following my mommy go to the doctor's room and sit beside her.

"She will be okay just need a rest.. but she need to stay so I will check her condition during the night.. If everything okay, she can go home tomorow." Doctor Daniel said.

"Okay doctor.. Maybe I should go home first and come back again in the afternoon and will stayed up this night."

"Um... Ariella.. I think I can take care of Alya.. don't worry.. I have a midnight shift today and she will be okay.. I'll be contact you with her condition."

"But... -"

"That's okay Ariella.. I'm willing to do it.. don't think too much about this.. beside that Anna looks so tired.. Don't you Anna?" Doctor Daniel touch my cheeck.

I nodded and smile.

We get back home. Mom didn't said anything again while we getting back home. I just heading back to my room and I can't sleep tonight. I miss Alya.. I always sharing room with her but now I'm alone.

I'm get off from my blanket and going to my mom's room. Her room is not closed properly. I see she kneeling beside her bed. She's praying. I can't really heard what she said because she's sobbing.

"Mom..." I open the door and she seems shock while look at me. she wiped her tears and smile.

"Hey.. are you not sleep yet?" Mom ask.

"I can't sleep mom... can I sleep with you?" I said and mom nodded. We lying on the bed with me in her embrace.

"Why are you crying mom? don't be sad.. I don't like seeing you crying like that." I said and touch her cheek.

"That's okay honey.. I just miss your granny and your aunty.. I hope they're with me.. Now.. get sleep.. " She kissed my head and hug me.

Mom.. I know that you're not okay but I don't know what to do.. I hope I could do something to make you feel better..

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon