10. Leaving You

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Ariella Grace


I sit on the side of my bed looking through my man who sleep peacefully.

"Morning" I said when I see he attempt to open his eyes.

He look at me and smile. I can't tell how much I like the way he smiling.

"mmm..." He suddenly grab me and laid me down to bed in his embrace.

"Hey man... wake up... you said you have meetings today." I caress his cheek.

"Are you sure about tonight?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I already meet your father twice. Why must be worried about that?" I smile.

"Are you afraid?" I see he sighed.

"Frankly.... yes.. I was afraid but what scared me more when I can't see these blue eyes again." I looking through his eyes and he did the same to me for minutes.

"Don't worried about that.. you will see these for the rest of your life... when you woke up, before you go to sleep, when you have breakfast, dinner and even when you realized that you already stuck with me forever."

I giggles and kiss him.

"I love you.. so much..." I smile and he shakes his head.

"I love you too.. so much so you can't even imagine how much is it."

He wake up from the bed and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I sent my driver to pick you up to the party.. see you tonight baby.." I smile and walk him out from my apartment.

"I'll call you when I get there." I hugged him.

"I'm going to make an annoucement about it today." I nodded and release hie embrace.

I wave him goodbye. I'm afraid what will happen tonight. I already have a dinner with his father and his step mother too. It was going well but I'm not really sure about that. I just worried too much.

I prepared my self, with the soft blue dress that Nath has bought for me. Tonight is a dinner celebration for his father birthday, I'm so nervous cause there will be many business partner and many people there and also the media and newspaper.

I already arrived at the ballroom where the party will be held. I walk in there and text Nath that I already here.

I wander around but no one that I know in this ballroom. The ballroom was so crowded here.

"Hmmm.." someone has cleared his throat and makes me turn around and see who is he?

"Ohh.. Happy Birthday Sir." I gave him my hands but he not really welcoming my greeting then I pull back it slowly.

"Well.. thank you for the greetings.. but what are you doing here? This party have to attended with an important people with the invitations" I just blink several times. What happen with him? I thought he was nice to me before.

"mmm... I was invited by Nath.." I said. I could feel my hands start shaking.

"You know Nathan is my only son." He said.

"Yes I know that."

"I hope you know your place? I think Nathan's life is really different with you.. you know like day and night? You and him maybe could be exist but I think you both can't be together."

I feel like got a big slap on my face with his statement. Yeah, he is right, but Nathan always said that even when I was a day and he is the night we can't be seperate and with it we become one world together. I remind quiet this time, I don't know what should I said.

"Ohhh.. that's great to have you here.. enjoy the party, we had a big annoucements today.. don't miss it." He smile and leave me.

I sighed, I don't know that I hold my breath while I speak with him. Big announcements? About our wedding? Nath already told him? He said he will make it as a surprise? But I think his father doesn't really like me. I just feel uninvited in this party. I try to called Nath but still no answer. Where is he? The party is started. Nath is not a late person. I just stand in the corner, cause I was afraid, I didn't know anyone in here, They looks like an executives and so high class. I just stay still standing in the corner of the ballroom.

Then I see his father start talking..

"Thank you for coming here.. beside celebrating this old man birthday.. I want all of you know a big announcement.. My son, Nathan will be held his wedding for the next months with... " I smile and start searching him in another crowded.

"With Brenda, daughter of Brien my best friends." I just gasping for the air. What a news!

I see that one woman go up stage, I bet she is Brenda. Then I see Nathan was coming and many people greeting him about that annoucements before. I try so hard to hold back my tears, but before I start walking through him, someone has hold my arm then I see his step mother standing there.

"Nathan will be married with Brenda.. Stop looking for him.. Stop being a lust and go away from his life." I lost my words. What happen with all of these? My tears are fall down, I see Nathan but he still not see me standing here. The crowed seperate us.

I release her grip and walk away from the ballroom. Nathan... I just realized all that your father said was true.. we maybe exist but we could not ever be together.

*end flashback*

I wipe my tears that escape from the corner of my eyes. I still remember what happen that day.

"Hey... Anna will be back in two days ahead. What's wrong?" Marie give me a cup of coffee.

I shake my head. "No.. I just- I just"

"Are you still thinking about him?"

"I try Marie... I try.. "

"Seven years Arie..."

"I know... but I can't get him out of my mind.. I just don't know how?" I smile sadly.

"Do you still love him?" She asked me. I look at her. Did I still love him?

"I don't know..." I shakes my head.

"Okay.. I won't make you sad.. stop thinking about him again, alright? Tell me about Anna? Where she is going for school trip?"

"Los Angeles.." and she choked her coffee.

"What? Los Angeles?!" She seems shocked.

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