18. I'm pregnant

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Ariella Grace

"Just sleep honey.. we will be home soon." I put the blanket covering her in her seat.

Then I stare at the window, the view Los Angeles from the top. This bring me back to me memory that I hope I will forget it and never came up again.


I look at my reflection in the mirror. After crying the whole night, I decided to came back to my hometown to Seattle that night. I've search the night flight and left Los Angeles at that time. I was to hurt to know the truth, his father was really right, we were exist but we shouldn't be together. It's been a week I'm in Seattle, It's been a week too that I lost my phone and tell my mom about everything.

"You should talk to him." My mom came and sit on my bed.

"No" I shakes my head.

"Don't be stubborn, don't leave without any explanation."

"It's complicated mom, I don't have any nerve to facing the truth, what if his father said was true that he will be married next months."

"Talk to him directly. Ask him, facing the truth, no more hiding. At least you know the truth right from him. See anything in any other side darling. Don't just stay on your sight."

"I will think about it." I nodded.

"You looks so pale, do you want any chicken soup?"

"No Mom.. just a period." Then I shut my self. Period. This week should be my period but I think I forgot that...

"Mom..." I said looking to her.

"What darling?"

"I think.. I think I'm pregnant." I said disbelief what I said to her. We just quiet for awhile.

"We'll figure it out, get ready, we will go to the hospital then, alright?" I just nodded.

I could feel my hand start shaking and my mom hold it to calm me. What if that was true? What if I was pregnant? What?

"Come on." My mom still hold my hand and accompany me to the doctor room. The doctor start to check on me and start to use the equipment with the gel on my tummy. My heart beats so fast. After he already clean up everything, I came back sit beside my mom.

"What about the result doctor?"

"I was really happy to inform you Miss Ariella, that you're pregnant! The baby was really good, seems already nine weeks." I gasping for the air while my mom smile to the doctor.

"Thank you doctor." I just still silent on my way back home. My mom didn't said anything, I don't know either she was shocked or angry or disappointed with me.

"Mom.." I said while she was let me sit on my bed again.

"he is the father, is it true?" She asked me.

"Yes mom.. He is.." I wipe my tears.

"He have to know this.. go and tell him about this.. he needs to know." I nodded and start to find my phone. It's been a whole week I didn't even touch my phone. He will be worried to me. I tried to search it again on my bag and my bed but I couldn't find it. I remember the last time when I send the text that I leave him. Forgot about the phone, I just need to be ready and meet him soon.

I should tell him about these. Yes.. I need to tell him. I said to my mom and I search the flight to go back to Los Angeles. I'm so excited and also worried how about his reaction if he knew that I was pregnant his child? We will be parents soon. I smile and rub my flat tummy.

First place when I just landed that I should go to his office. I walk to the receptionist and waiting him in the waiting room, The receptionist said that he was in the meeting and will be finished on 10 minutes. I just sit in the sofa and waiting while someone open the door and came in. I smile and suddenly my smile was disappear. That's not him but his father.

"Good Morning Sir.." I said politely.

"No need to greet me. Tell me your purpose to came in here." He said and sit against me while I was sitting back again on my seat.

"Sir.. I just want to meet him.. I want to tell-"

"Stop looking for my son." He standing beside me and put a invitation in front of my table.

"This is his invitation this months, he will be married with woman that should be with him, and not you.." I look at the invitation and open it. I see the beautiful invitation about the wedding ceremony this week. What happen with these? Should I tell him about his future child?

"But sir... I was... I was... pregnant." He look at me disbelief what I said before.

"What did you just said?" He came closer and looking at me.

"I- I'm pregnant" I said hestitantly.

"How do I know the child was his child? What if there are another guy that with you?"

"Sir.. how  could you said like that?"

"I know what you want from my son and I will not let that happen with my son. Am I make my self clear? Stop bothering him, and walk out from his life. His life better before he meets you."

"But-" He hold up his palm to stop me from talking.

"I will pretend that today was not happen but all you have to do just walk away as away as you can from my son. I will not touched your family and your future children too. Please let go of my son. He deserve better, he deserve his better life rather than be with you." Then He left me alone in the room. I need to see him but what should I do know? Then I walk out from the room after I wipe my tears. I want to meet him but does he want to meet me too? Then I tried to walk to the receptionist and asked a paper and also a pen. Maybe I will tell him the letter. Then I write the letter, I hope that he could come and meet me, I will be waiting for him. He should know his child. I hope that he didin't married the other woman. I write about what I feel in the letter, about his father and about anything. I also write down my address in Seattle and put my new phone number in here.. After I write it, I gave it to the receptionist to put it on his desk then I left back to Seattle. I just need to wait.. I know he will come to me..

*end flashback*

"Mom.." Anna wake up and made me back to the reality, why should I was thinking about that again.

"Yes baby.."

"Are we home?"

"We will be landed in minutes baby." I smile and hold his hands.

Me, Mom with(out) Daddy (COMPLETE- ENGLISH)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant