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1 M O N T H  L A T E R

"Sure you want to do this?" Jason asked for the hundredth time since we headed to our target.

I rolled my eyes and turned in my seat to face Jason, "Babe... I told you I'm ready. He's going to deserve it for all the shit he pulled."

Jason smirked and handed me a SIG Pro Semi-Automatic Pistol, "Use my baby well." I rolled my eyes at Jason's comment about his gun and I added the silencer.

Arctic Monkey's album was playing softly in the background.

"One before, and one after." I whispered to Jason leaning in to kiss him.

We pulled away and smiled, "I'll be right behind you." Jason whispered.

I opened the door and got out of the black Mustang and walked towards the house with Jason's gun in my hand and Jason falling into step with me.

We walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell.

The door opened and there stood the guy from the party who almost raped me until Jason came to the rescue, "Shit," the guy whispered, I raised the gun, aiming at his head and pulled the trigger.


30 Y E A R S  L A T E R

"Nona, what happened after?!" Mason and Alfie jumped up and down in their seat. 

"They got arrested you idiots." Cecilia said bluntly, the boys turned to her and squinted their eyes at her, she only shrugged them off.

I smiled at my grandchildren, "Mom you know you're not suppose to tell them that story." Samantha walked in sitting in the chair next to her son, Mason.

"No Mom, continue the story, don't listen to Miss Sam here." Jordan's voice filled the room as he walked in and kissed my forehead.

Samantha is my daughter, Jordan is my son.

Samantha is married to an arrogant asshole named, Chase, who they both had Alfie.

Jordan is my older child, who was married to Carter, but she passed away a year ago to a car crash.

He's a widow father taking care of the twins, Cecilia and Mason.

All of the kids were teenagers, Alfie's 18th birthday was today, that explains why the whole family was gathered at Jason's and I's home.

Jason entered the living room and sat next to me kissing my cheek, "Are you telling them the story?"

I nodded, smiling back at the memory. 

"Did they ever got caught Nona?" Alfie questioned.

I shook my head, "They killed the whole family, and got away with it before the police showed up. A few years later, they caught Jack, he was sentenced to life."

"What happened to them now?" Cecilia sat up, I was surprised that she asked, she didn't seem like the girl who liked criminal stories.

"No one knows except them, but it's been 30 years since their last crime." Jason smiled at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

Jordan stood up, "Well, I doubt they're in the country. Otherwise my unit would have caught them." 

Jordan works in the Pentagon, but he knew that Jason and I are the criminals that the world wanted to put in prison. 

Jordan was reviewing the case and saw the Mug shots, he knew his father and mother looked like them.

"You just keep talking, Jay." Jason stood up also and headed back out to the grill and Jordan behind him. 

"I think they're awesome." Alfie said, he heard the story a million times.

I laughed and nodded, "They are, they're known as 'Bonnie and Clyde' but that's not their real name."

"Alright guys, come on! I think Granddad and Jordan finished making the barbecue." Samantha stood up and helped me up.

The kids ran off outside, Samantha supporting me on the way out.

"You know Mom, maybe you should tell the kids it you and Dad."

I shook my head, "I will when I'm dead."

We both laughed and walked outside, joining the other's outside. 

Jason walked over to me as Samantha handed me over to him. 

Jason helped me to my seat and kissed my forehead as he sat down next to me.

Everyone was seated and laughing.

I smiled, if I didn't accept Jason's and Jack offer, none of this would be happening.

I stood up, raising my glass, "Cheers to all of us. Happy birthday Alf." I smiled to Alfie and everyone around the table as they all raised their glass.

Jason and I are still wanted, but we aren't turning ourselves in anytime soon, and besides, the world thinks we're dead since Jason and I did faked our death. 

I wouldn't trade this for the world. 

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