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"But, its a one-time opportunity, better pay, not bills, nice rides, travel-"

I lifted my hand at him to shut up, "No. You don't know me or my back story on this, leave. Now." 

"You know since you now know about the case--that's what they told me-- if you don't join they'll kill you either way. The more inside you know the chance they'll have a reason to kill."

With nothing more to say, he got up and left, leaving the folder in front of me.


"So why didn't you join the C.I.A?"

"They're going to kill me for knowing more then I should."


I sat at my bed, looking out the window as the moonlight shown through the trees, and into my new bedroom that Jason and Jack provided for me.

I thought of my life and what it would be if I didn't accept Jason's and Jack's offer. 

What would have ended up if I stayed behind during the whole hacking. 

So much questions ran through my mind, I might wake up with a headache-

"Hey, are you up?"

I snapped my head to the door, seeing a figure standing by the door.

I squinted my eyes, trying to see the face clearer, but realized that it was Jason.

"Yea." I replied, looking back out the window, as I can see Jason shutting the door behind him and sitting on my bed.

It wasn't an awkward silent, we just sat there-- both of us looking out the window. 

My mind was running questions, his probably the same unless there is something else bothering him.

"Everyone misses you back at home-"

"No they don't, Sydney doesn't. She got promoted, she's living it by trying to put me behind bars, but knowing the C.I.A wants me they'll just give her a piece of 'good-work'. Madison is probably knocking on my door, not knowing anything of whats going on-"

"Madison? Is she some friend?"

"He, is a close friend of mine, I have a crush on him-"

I emphasize the word 'he' to let Jason know that Madison is a unisex name and not just a girl's name.

Jason chuckled, "Seriously? A crush? What are you 12?"

I smiled looking at him, "No, 11."

The corner of his lips curled up.

"Mom is use to me not calling here daily. I call monthly, checking up on her and meeting her on holidays or birthdays. She probably doesn't know about what's going on unless if the unit has notified her, but Sydney probably knows she'll flip out if she knows."

Jason nodded, "I have no one. Besides Jack, I mean."

"Are you and Jack related?"

Jason shook his head at my question, "We ran into each other during a few heist. Thought it would be better if we stuck together unless something happens."

I nodded, "What's it like to having a normal life?"

Jason asked, the question kinda struck me, has he never had a normal life? 


But his childhood. . . wasn't it normal?


I looked at him, "Um... it's pretty boring here and there, I mean its life."

He nodded as he brought his knees  with his chest and wrapped his arms around it, there was a side to him that probably no one never saw. 

"You've never had a normal life? Not even in your childhood years?"

His eyes darkened, "No, I don't remember anything from my childhood. Not even my parents, I don't even know what they look like and I don't even know if I have any siblings or if I'm an only child."

I was amazed at the part that he opened up to me, and that he trusted me.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently to let him know that I was right here, that I understood what he went through. 

"I didn't find out about my biological mother until I was 18, I was an orphan since and no one adopted me since I was placed at the doorstep. My biological mother is a lawyer in New York, but the woman I call 'Mom' she was the lady who raised me since I was placed on the doorstep of her home."

Jason looked at me, "I knew there wasn't a resemblance between your mom and you." I smiled, and nodded. 

"And besides I looked through your file before all this running away happened."

I looked at him, "Why'd you look at my files? How'd you get them in the first place?"

Jason shook his head, "Doesn't matter."

We sat quiet for a seconds-which turned to minutes, "I didn't come in here to talk about thank you."

Jason broke the silence. 

I nodded, "Anytime, but why did you come in here?"

Jason's Adam-apple rose up and dropped, "We're going to crash a party and steal some documents from this guy."

I nodded, "What's his name?"

"He's a millionaire, he does some secret illegal stuff with us, but he wouldn't budge to giving us what we wanted so we're sending you in to seduce him. His name is Garrison, and he has a wife and two kids which one is our age, and the other is 17, but the one our age is out of town, in France."

I nodded getting under the covers of my bed and laid down, looking down at Jason who sat by my feet and legs. 

He laid next to me, "You're not sleeping in here tonight. Sorry."

He chuckled, "I'm not but there is more to this story than you think."

I had confusion written all over my face as Jason looked away.

"What is it?" 

Jason shook his head and sat up, "I can't tell you now, you'll just back out and probably screw up our tiny mission to begin with."

I shook my head, "No I won't, c'mon Jas, just tell me."

"You can't back out no matter what though,"

Jason spoke, but held out his pinky finger, this guy still does pinky promises. 

"Promise me?"

I nodded and interwine our pinky fingers, "I promise."

"We're going to rob your biological parents' home for the documents that they owe us."


Holy shit, who knew Jason does pinky promises?

Not me, lol. But omg, Kels biological parents? Who else thought her mom was her real mom?

Not me.

What do you guys expect to happen in the end?

No don't wory its not the end yet. 

Not until I feel it needs to be.

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