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Making sure Gi was fast asleep, I slipped out of my home and walked up to my car to see a black piece of paper on the windshield. I picked it up and opened it to see white writing indicating an address: 1578 Kingston RD.

Spilling the paper in my pocket, I unlocked my car and got in. Praying that the engine wouldn't wake Gi. I brought the car to life, and backed out of my driveway and left to my given destination.

"In half a mile, turn left on Kingston RD." My GPS spoke, filling the silence. I took a glance at the long street to see some of the houses were abandoned and destroyed. Then my mind clicked, this was the houses of the tragic accident 6 months ago. One of the houses blew up and the fire caught on to the others. Unfortunately, 5 families passed away that night. The sixth family was on vacation, but they created a memorial in the honor of the 5 families that died. 

"You have made it to your destination." I pulled the car into what use to be a home belonging to one of the families. The house was burnt badly, but seemed to still stand. It was caught in the fire but was put out just in time. Just not in time to save the family that lived in it. My stomach fell thinking about this. Stop it, V. Just go in there and get out. 

I took my gun and placed it in my pants' waistband and covered it with my shirt. I turned off the engine and walked up to the house. I stood in front of the door and hesitated to knock on it. I began to knock lightly. No answer. I knocked again and the door swung open to reveal a gun pointed right at me. "Who the fuck are you?" Shaken a bit. "Veronica. Someone asked me to come here." The guy stepped a little out to the moon light, his eyes were pitch black, but his hair was pushed back.

"I think his name is Jack." I held my ground, not keeping my eyes off the gun. "Jack! Get your ass out here! I think you ordered a whore." Pissed by his words, I lifted my shirt up to show my gun. "A whore with .45, and I'm not afraid to use it." The guy in front of me smirked, "Neither am I."

"She isn't a whore, Jason. She's our ticket to freedom. Let her in."

* * *

"So you expect me to erase both yours' and Jason's files and everything on it?" I questioned making sure I'm hearing everything clear. Jack nodded. "I know you can, I used to work with the FBI, but I would end up the criminal instead. Jason here is the Nation's Most Wanted." I know that asshole. 

I stood up and made my way out of the room, Jack grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, "Jason might get sent to jail with the both of us, but once he's out, you'll be on the top of his kill list." 

He let my arm go. I looked up at Jason and back at Jack . I huffed and continued to leave. I unlocked my car, and got in. I opened my dashboard compartment, and took my gun out of my pants and placed it in there. I shut the compartment and locked it.

I turned my car back to life and drove out of the neighborhood, headed back home.

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