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"I can see that. But I have so much on my mind now. Like- Nevermind you wouldn't understand."

Jason placed a hand on my thigh, "The fact that they kept two kids and got rid of you?"

He knows...

I sighed and nodded, "But why though? That's what I'm wondering." 

He nodded and laid next to me, leaving his hand on my thigh.

We sat there, maybe for minutes, not one of us talking, just looking at one another.

He got up pushing my back against the bed, and himself getting on top of me, I felt my heart race.

He kissed my jawline down to my ear, whispering, "Get dressed, you have some training to do"

With that he left the room, shutting the door on his way out.


Running through the woods, tripping over the tree's roots about every time I look back, had me about ready to hit him.

Jason thought it be a good idea that he should be this "killer" and I'm the victim, and that if he caught up with me he would scratch and cut my skin with his knife. 

Total cuts? 5.

He thought that I should increase my skills in running.

I looked back at him, seeing him not that far but not close either. 

I saw the woods ready to come to the end, knowing as he promised that its the end of our training in running.

I sped up, ready for the training to end. 

I can feel my heart beating faster and harder, ready to come out of my chest.

"I can taste end now McCann!"

I smiled as I got to the end of the woods.

I slowed my pace and came to a complete stop before I dropped on the ground, catching my breath.

"Nice job," Jason spoke as he dropped his knife on the ground as it stabbed the soil near my body.

"Damn McCann! What would you do if it had stabbed me?" I shouted as my breathing came back to normal.

"Well it didn't. Stop being a baby." Jason rolled his eyes and gulped down his water.

His hair stuck to his forehead, he didn't bother throwing it in a quiff. He had his shirt off, his body with wet with sweat. Him being muscluar, and sweaty made it look hot. I licked my lips. Lord help me now or never.

"What are you looking at?"

The sound of Jason's voice snapped me out my thoughts. 

"What? Birds. Yea, birds. I was looking at birds."

He looked at his chest and arm and smirked at me.

"Well I have a seagull here," He implied pointing at the tattoo that was on his lower left abdomen, "and I have an eagle and a owl on my arm." 

"Your point?" I said, even though I knew he knows I stared at his chest. 

"They're birds. You were staring at my birds." He winked.

My cheeks were burning, I stood up and ran back to the direction of the house.

"Last one back to the house is Jason!" I yelled.

"Yea right!"

I heard Jason shout back even though he won't catch up yet.

. . . . . 

I sat the couch, looking at the pictures that Jack had gotten during Jason's and I's run. 

One picture showed my mom and dad. They both shared a smile and she was doing his tie for him.

I mentally groan and looked at the second photo.

It was them again but only kissing.

I rolled my eyes, and turned to the third photo.

It showed the two guys. 

Their sons.

My brothers apparently.

They looked liked they were arguing about cereal and things were about to get physical.

I chuckled, and flipped to the fourth photo where it showed them spilling cereal on the ground and the chandler that was hanging on the ceiling, fell on their island.

I flipped to the last photo where my so called mother came in and saw everything, the expression that was taken, Lord she was furious, but my so called father was laughing.

I took one last look at all the photos before I put it back in the envelope.

Laying back with my eyes shut, I'm so glad I can catch some sleep.


I jumped and looked back at a laughing fool named Jason.

I squinted my eyes at him, "Thanks for scaring 10 years of my life away. What are you 8?"

He laughed even more with his arms on his stomach, "No, 7."

I shook my head and got off the couch and walked past him to head to my room.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, my chest against his.

No more space in between us.

I was taken back a bit, he was leaning his head in as I looked at him.

Confusion was written all over my face.

Oh my god. He's going to kiss me!

"Go wash up, dinner will be ready in half an hour."

He whispered in my ear and left the room in a heart beat.

My eyes were wide, my heart was beating faster then usual.

He almost kissed me. 

I think.


Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in a while :( But this is going to be the last week of school! yay! Anyways I'll post more, ALOT MORE in the summer! But this week is exams and I'm planning on finishing this story this summer. I love you guys so much, don't forget to comment/vote/etc.! AND THANK YOU FOR THE 218 VOTES AND 10K+ VIEWS :'D 

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