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"He's just havi-"

I cut her off, "Having a hard time. I know." I hear this bullshit excuse Gi gives me all the time when Dylan is brought up. "You need to understand the relationship isn't even healthy. He's yelling at you for being on a case, for God's sake." I know I shouldn't make her feel bad even more, but for a year and a half she's been dealing with a shitty boyfriend. She deserves better.

I took a sip of my wine, and scrolled through my Facebook wall to see what others are doing. I saw that my cousin graduated once again from college. Sometimes, I think he's going to destroy the world with his science major, he's practically in his late 20s, he can try to rule the world if he wanted to.

Scrolling more, I rolled my eyes at my dumb bimbo cousin. She's thanking our uncle for some necklace. I don't hate blood, but when it comes to her, I really do. She puts on a fake smile and takes money from our family for her own sake.

I scrolled some more until I closed the tab, and turned my computer off. "Can we watch a horror movie?" Gi suggested. I nodded, getting up and walking to the kitchen. "I'll get more wine and some snacks."

We fell asleep on the couch, the jump-scares scared us so much that it tired us out. The next morning I got up yawning, and chuckling at how Gi slept on the couch. Her upper half was hanging off the couch, and her right leg was propped up on the back of the couch. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, causing her to scream bloody murder, and spill the wine bottle— that I didn't notice before— all over my rug.

"Just fucking great." I groaned and got up to get the cleaning supplies for the spill. "I'm sorry," she laughed, "but it's your damn fault that you frighten me out of my sleep." I shook my head, as I walked back into the room and began cleaning. "I'm going to get ready, since we have a day off for a while, we might as well go to the mall. Can I borrow your clothes?" I nodded. "Don't touch my floral sun dress. I'm wearing that one." I stated, as I continued to clean out the wine stain.

* * *

We spent the whole day at the mall. We bought ourselves a whole new outfits or two, and plenty of food court's food. We didn't care, we were both happy. Seems like both of us really needed it.

"You know what could really put a cherry on top today?" Gi smirked at my direction. "Yolo's." We both said in coincidence. "Jinx! You owe me a soda!" I shouted at Gi, seeing her getting mad for not beating me first. We walked out of the building and to my car— which took a while to find since the parking lot is huge.

On the way to Yolo's, we jammed out to all the songs that played on the radio. Laughing at how horrible both of our voices are. I pulled into the small parking lot, and shut the engine off. Getting out of the car, I shut the door and fixed my dress.

In the corner of my eye I could see a black car slowly drive by, I quickly looked up to see the car quickly speed off. Weird. "What's wrong?" Gi questioned, catching me look at the other direction. My eyes flew back to her and I quickly shook my head. "Nothing. Let's go inside and get ourselves a few scoops of sweet heaven." Quickly getting out of the tamed heat and into the cool room. "Are you going to get your phone back?" Gi asked, I shrugged. "Who knows, that Jack guy said his friend—the one I bumped into—probably destroyed it. Which doesn't make sense if we planned to switch it back." I answered as we both stood in line waiting for our turn to order. It wasn't packed but it was a bit slow this evening. I guess I have to go buy a new phone before the Apple store close.

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