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We finished our frozen yogurt, and sat there for a few more minutes talking about our personal life. "You know you never told me why you aren't taken? How come?" I shrugged, "I'm not in the mood to be with someone just yet." Gi laughed at my excuse. "Bullshit. That was your shit coming out of your mouth. Literally."

A few other customers glared at our table, I blushed at the embarrassment. "Quiet would you? You're making a scene with that dirty mouth of yours." Trying to make her shut up, knowing that the sugar hit her system quick. "Dirty mouth, huh? I'll show you dirty mouth when we get home." Knowing her tricks she wants me to tell her the truth of my love life. I growled, and stood up and walked out of Yolo's and getting back to my car.

There was a piece of paper stuck on my windshield. I took a hold of it. I scanned the entire parking lot and saw nothing out the blue. Maybe that black car? I opened the note:

We know who you are, and who you work for. We know your deepest secret. If you want out, leave a green 'X' on the bench on 5th and Davidson.

I looked around once more, and folded up the note putting it in my bra. "What's wrong?" Gi came up behind me. "Nothing. Ready to go?" Gi nodded and walked around the car to her side. I unlocked the car, and both of us got in.

* * *

We got back to my place. I went to a phone store and bought myself a new phone. The store got really crowed due to this major sale, I lost Gi in the crowd. I took that as my chance to get to the bench on the corner of 5th and Davidson and put a green X, it wasn't far from the phone store. Some reason there was a green marker there, probably they planted it there for me to use. Who knows.

Yes, Gi is still avoiding her boyfriend, but I won't push her into anything. "Do you mind if Alec can stay over at your place for the week?" Gi asked, I shook my head. "Not at all, but what about his girl, Jackie?"

"Julie. Her name is Julie, but it doesn't matter since she left." Gi gossiped. "Left?" I questioned. I don't stick my nose in anywhere, but when it comes to Alec's girlfriend – that gets me wondering. "Yeah, she called off everything. Alec didn't want to tell me why they broke it off, just that it's too complicated." I nodded and thought back to when the last time Alec, and I hung out.

We were both sitting outside on my patio, talking about what our future had in store for us. "I'll probably join the military, or the Air Force." Alec spoke as his eyes took a look at each star he could see. "Have you told Julie?"

He shook his head, "I don't how she'll take it. I can't." I took his hand in mine, reassuring him that everything will be okay. Before any words fell out of my mouth, Julie interrupted. "What the hell is this? Are you seriously trying to go after my boyfriend?"

Shocked at her outburst, before I could say anything I got smacked across my face.

It still bothers me to this day, it happened our senior year of college, and Julie still suspects that I'm still out trying to get her man. "Veronica? Earth to Ronny."

"Huh? What? Don't call me Ronny or I'll call you by your full name." I narrowed my eyes at Gi. "You wouldn't dare." I smirked at her doubtfulness. "Georgia Ann Hastings. Don't call me Ronny again."

She shook her head, and took a sip of her wine. "Can he still crash? I mean, by the end of the week he's getting on the first flight out to Atlanta." I nodded, "I said I don't mind if your brother stayed or not. I mean besides, he's my other best friend. Thank him for us getting to meet each other and got to work with one another."

Before Gi could continue anything, my phone vibrated on the coffee table. Picking it up before Gi can take a quick glance at my screen, I read the text:

UNKNOWN: Need your help. Left an address on your car. Be here by midnight.

I put my phone on the table, and set my wine glass down. "I'm getting really exhausted. So I'm going to just get ready for bed." I stood up, grabbing my phone and heading up the stairs. "You know where the guest room is." With that I left, Gi in the living room, and me changing into something comfortable as midnight neared.

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