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I jumped and looked back at a laughing fool named Jason.

I squinted my eyes at him, "Thanks for scaring 10 years of my life away. What are you 8?"

He laughed even more with his arms on his stomach, "No, 7."

I shook my head and got off the couch and walked past him to head to my room.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, my chest against his.

No more space in between us.

I was taken back a bit, he was leaning his head in as I looked at him.

Confusion was written all over my face.

Oh my god. He's going to kiss me!

"Go wash up, dinner will be ready in half an hour."

He whispered in my ear and left the room in a heart beat.

My eyes were wide, my heart was beating faster then usual.

He almost kissed me. 

I think.

P R E S E N T (1 AM)

I sat in the corner, my knees were pulled up against my chest. The cement floor was cold, that maybe because I was in short dress. I looked across to the other cell and Jason had his Jacket suit off and his tie was loose but other then that he seemed fine, like it was an everyday thing to end up in jail. What am I saying? He has been arrested multiple times, and escaped multiple times. Except when it came to me, I never had gotten arrested, because I was the one arresting criminals. Jason's eyes were shut, his head was resting against the wall as he sat on the bed. Unfortunately for me I was stuck with a soccer mom looking women who looked like she got arrested for DUI because her words were slurring as she was talking about some chick who tried to take her man or some something.

I kept my distance away from her and laid my head back against the cell's bar and closed my eyes. "Morgan." I heard my surname being called by a deep, husky voice. I opened my eyes to find a man about 6'3, dirty blonde hair, and was wearing shades and a nice black suit--shit. "I'm Agent Hatches." Shit, shit, shit. "M-Madison?" I stood up, getting a full look at Madison in front of me as he took off his shades. "You work for the damn government this whole time? I thought you were a chef at the restaurant downtown?!" He smiled and didn't reply to my question. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't blow my cover on the case." I narrowed my eyes at him, "Case on what?" I saw Jason standing up, listening to Madison's and I's conversation. Madison stood silent for a few seconds before answering, "You."

Confusion ran around my head. Why me? What the hell does the government want from me? I thought. I made eye contact with Jason, his eyes reading the same thing as I was. Why me? "I'll explain everything once we land in D.C." Madison answered, slipping his shades back on and began walking away. "Wait!" I yelled towards Madison, he stopped and turned on his heels looking back at me waiting for me to proceed to speak. "What about Jason?" I asked, looking at Jason and then back at Madison for an answer. "He's coming along too, but he'll be handed down to a C.I.D Agent that will be waiting for him at the airport." Madison spoke and continued to walk away.

I looked at Jason's cell but he was already laid back on the little bed that was already in the cells when we got here. I shook my head and thought how we ended up in this hell hole anyways. 

5   H O U R S    A G O  

The plan was set. Jason and I were at my biological parent's party. We sat in the stolen black BMW, that was parked about a house down from my parent's place. You could see their mansion shining bright with the stars as people flooded into the house. Cars were entering the gates and valets were taking party guest's car and parking their vehicle for them so they could enjoy the party quickly. "Kelsey! Do you understand?" I snapped my head to Jason and nodded. "Find his office. Plant the bug. Then leave. Got it." I looked back at the house, something felt wrong. I looked closely at the roof top and saw a black silhouette walking back and forward watching the guest coming in and out. I saw another black silhouette on the other side of the roof doing the same. "Jason." He hummed as he was texting Jack letting him know the plan was in set. "They are two security guards on the roof. Maybe there are some inside. I don't think I could do this." Jason leaned forward and looked at the roof top double checking if I was seeing what I was seeing. Jason made eye contact with me, "You'll do fine, and besides you don't look like Kelsey Morgan because of your outfit," My eyes scanned my outfit. I wore a black lace skater dress, black matte stilettos heels. My hair was curled and reached mid way of my back. "You look hot, I'm not going to lie." Jason mumbled. 

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