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"Veronica. Veronica, get up." I felt someone poking my side, and arm, waking me from the greatest sleep that I haven't had in a while. 

I groan, "Two more minutes, Mom." 

"Mom? Get your ass up." I open my eyes to find Gi in front of me, with a smirk on her face. I groan and turned over, facing my back to her.

We both work at the FBI together. We have been partners for about 3 years. I never stayed partners with someone this long, since my ex-partners have tried to hit on me, downgraded me for being a woman on the force, or have been killed. Gi and I shared the same connection about our past partners. We went through the same shit.

"Okay, well someone called your phone not long ago. A guy named Jack?"

Confusion went through my mind as Gi said the name. "Oh, did you answer?" was all I said when I remembered about last night at my mother's house. "No, who is it?" Gi questioned. You might be thinking, that she shouldn't be in my business, but she's allowed to if it's someone that I've never mentioned or she never met. I mean there are a lot of people who wants us both dead, because for the past 3 years, we put half of the most wanted criminals in prison.

I sat up looking at the time.

10:44 A.M.

I groan again, "I don't want to go to work today, and deal with Vincent." I roll my eyes just by think about him. He's another agent on our floor, who runs his own unit. He thinks he's the hottest guy in the building with a suit on, and thinks every women and men wants him. He tries every single day hitting on me, or try working on a case with Gi and I. I deny his crappy pickups or gatherings.

Gi laughs, "You'll be with me the whole time don't worry."

I got out of bed, chuckled at her comment, "Are we event talking about the same Vincent? He'll hit on you, too." "That's if he has any balls to do so with." Gi ended.

I walk to my drawers and took out new clothes for the day, and got dressed into them. "Now, stop changing the subject, Veronica. Who's Jack?" I shrug my shoulders as I took my hair out of my bun and brushed it thoroughly. "I got my phone switched on accident. I bumped into another guy. It's his phone not mine, obviously. I'm planning to switch it with the guy today. I'm guessing Jack is his friend."

Gi nodded at my response. Putting my hair up in a ponytail. "You have your gun?" Gi asked. I nodded, "It's in the trunk, as always."

We both start grabbing our things for work, and made our way out the door.

* * *

I put the files in each of their proper section, and shut the filing cabinet, locking it up. Gi and I have been here past our original leave time. We were scheduled to go home at 8, now it's 1 in the morning. We decided that our office wasn't clean and proper for interrogations, so we decided to clean up now.

"Gi, I finished everything. Can we go?" I whined like a 5 year who hates waiting for their mother finish up shopping at the mall. Gi look up at me from her file she held to her face for the past 5 hours, and nodded, "Let me just write a report for the boss, and then we can go." 

I groaned and narrowed my eyes at the file, "What are you even reading?" Walking behind her desk and snatching the file from her grip. "Hey give that back! It's about this guy who tried to do some illegal crap." Gi quickly reacted, sitting up, trying to get the file back. I squinted my eyes at her, and took a look at the file. It was nothing but a Vogue magazine. "Are you serious? You made me clean this whole goddamn office on my own? Next time it's on you." I fired at Gi. Gi shrugged, "I'll buy you whatever you want."

I groaned and put the folder on the desk grabbing Gi's hand, guiding her out the office and to the elevators "Come on, I need to leave before I see Vin-" Speaking of the devil, Vincent was in front of me with a smirk.


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