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Sorry for updating so late, I thought I could make it through the first semester and update but I guess I was wrong. But I'll try to update a lot this winter break. Anyways I have a Justin Bieber Tumblr account and its juju-imagines.tumblr.com and its filled with Justin Imagines. MERRY BIEBER CHRISTMAS!


" I don't have a cousin, Kels." 

I looked at him weirdly and pointed at the door. 

"Yea you do, she's sleeping in the room thats across the hall."

"Kels, I DON'T have a cousin. I don't even have a aunt or uncle that I know of."

I looked at the door and back at Jason, "Then we definitely need to go."

Both of us, catching our breath, as Jason drove out of the hotel's lot, neither one of us spoke.

I watched the city's light go by as my breathing came back to a steady pace, it wasn't a awkward silence between Jason and I.

Jason nugged something towards my arm, I looked at him and looked at a phone that laid in his hand.

"It's your new phone, different number that automatically changes every day." 

I grabbed it, sliding it into my pocket.


I laid my head back, ending up falling asleep.

I woke up, the sun light blinded me, once my vision came to normal, I saw cars being passed and trees.


I looked at Jason as he had a smile on his face for a second but then disappeared.

"I called Jack, he's in Miami. So we're relocating."

I nodded and looked out the window.


He spoked, as I looked at him in confusion, "Well what?"

I tried reading part of his face that I can see, as he looked out the front window while driving.

"Aren't you going to argue about you becoming a criminal or at least do something and turn yourself in to the federals?"

I shook my head, "No, because if I do, its a life sentence and I'd rather run then sit behind the bars and anyways I sent half of the criminals that have life sentence to jail anyways, I won't survive."

Jason smirked, "Obviously." 

I shrugged and laid back, not replaying to his comment.

"Thank you."

I lifted my eyebrow and looked at Jason.


"Thank you." Jason repeated looking at me and then back at the road.


"For deleting the files. My files."

"We're not done yet, you still have evidence to remove, if you want your files completley gone. I mean, they can always retype everything int the computer but if you get rid of every evidence then you're completely off the hook."

Jason looked at me and pulled out his phone quickly typing a number and handing it to me.

"Tell it to Jack." 

I placed the phone onto my ear waiting for the ringing to stop.

After 3 rings you can hear Jack and someone else in the back.

"Yea Jason?"

"It's not Jason.."

"Oh! Kelsey, what do you want?" 

Jason grabbed the phone and explained everything I had told him and handing the phone back to me.

"Kelsey? Where is this evidence placed?" 

I looked at Jason, "I can't tell you over the phone. When we get to Miami I will."

I hung up, placing Jason's phone in the cup-holder of the car's.

"Where is this place located?"

"Because of your's and Jack's situation? The Pentagon."

Jason glupped and shook his head.

"I just thought maybe it was in a simple place, like the F.B.I."

I shook my head, "Nope. You're marked as a terroist."

He nodded and I shut my eyes, "How long do we get there?" 

"Well we're in Georgia, so maybe 11 hours?" 

I nodded laying back as I knew this would be a long car ride.

"So how did you get into this situation?" 

Jason shrugged, "It isn't a situation, it was what I wanted to do."

I sat up, looking at his face, "Liar, you were brought into this situation, you didn't start bombing or hurting anyone untill the age of 15. No 15 year old has this situation or had this idea to cross their mind. How'd you get in this?"

Jason sighed and continued driving, "I don't like talking about my problems." 

I nodded and laid back again looking out the window and fell back to a sleep.

Hopefully a long one.

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