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Have you ever had that feeling you know what you're about to do is completely wrong, but you know it's also the right thing to do? I'm a leader of my division, people actually looks up to me... but I'm over here about to break one of the rules of being an agent. My career means everything to me, yet I know that if I go and take the evidence to the Head, he's going to make sure my life is a living hell. Everyone is going to reject me and hope my ass is thrown in jail.

The evidence Jack and Jason put in front of me PROVES that they weren't the ones who blew up the capital's treasury. They weren't the ones who hijacked the helicopter and went down into the biggest technology company in New York City. They weren't behind any of the terrorist attacks or majority of the criminal offenses was shown on the media.

It was all just a set up. By who?

Sitting in my dark room, nothing but the humming sounds of my laptop and its bright screen staring right back at me. I didn't know what to do or if I should move. I felt like someone from the agency set everything up to test me and is just waiting until I deleted the files so they can put handcuffs on me.

"Want a beer?" Jack asked as he walked into what looked like what used to be a living room. "No, thanks." Jason shut the door and walked around me to sit at the little folding table. "Get me one. Make it two." Jack opened a cooler, pulling a few bottles of beer and shutting it. "You can have a seat. We don't bite." Jack joked.

Something didn't sit well with me with him joking around. Maybe because I have two world-wide most wanted criminals in front of me, but I'm not arresting them and getting that huge reward. "Well? Are you joining us or just going to stand there?" I made my way towards the table and sat down.

Jack opened his beer as Jason took both of his. Jack bent over to reach for something on the floor. Pulling himself up, he laid a sheet of paper in front of me. "Sign it." I looked at the paper and in black bold letters it read: CONFIDENTIALY AGREEMENT. "Why do I need to sign it? You really think I'm going to go back to the agency and tell them: Hey, I saw Jason Payne and Jack Foster, but I didn't arrest them." Jason coughed and fixed his posture. "It's just an insurance thing. You talk, your life will become a living hell."

I rolled my eyes, "Who's going to do that?" Jack smirked. I looked back at him, and he was looking back at Jason and I. "Us." Jack and Jason simultaneously answered.


"But... if these are all the evidence to prove you guys didn't do anything... why didn't you come forward and presented all of it to the supreme court?" No one answered. I swear if you can drop the tiniest pin in the world, you can still hear it connect to the burnt looking floors. "Well? Why didn't you?" I pressured once more.

"Would you believe us if someone else had a longer rap sheet then us put together?" I stayed quiet as Jack asked me that. I knew I wouldn't have if I didn't actually sat down with them and looked over the new evidence. "Honestly, no-""Exactly, because you pussy-baggers never give criminals a chance." Jason spat. I won't sugar coat it, but that really hit home.

"Jason, she's different from the rest of them. Don't worry." Jack assured him. "Different? From the rest of them? What do you mean?" I was confused, what did he mean by different? He didn't answer. "Tell me. Why the fuck are you telling me that I'm different from the rest?" "You just are."

Even though there is something hidden from me, I just know that Jason and Jack needs me. I know the truth about their cases. Each and every single one.

Maybe they're just not letting me worry about why I'm different from the rest of the government.

Maybe I shouldn't know and figure it out myself? I don't know what to do. I just know I need answers.

I groaned, and laid back into my bed. My computer is still waiting for me to type something to command it to do whatever. My head was pounding, and I can't even think straight. Should I do it? Or should I just back out and tell them to do it themselves? Fuck.

If I do this, maybe something good can come out of this. If I don't, I'll get in deep shit with the Head for not arresting Most Wanted criminals. Gosh, that's so many 'maybes'.

I bit my lip. I think I know what to do. I typed in the command code for Jack's rap sheet. ERASED. "Veronica? Are you in your room?" I hear Gi shout from my living room. Shit. Shit. Shit. I quickly typed the command and hit enter before shutting my computer screen. My door swung open, "Get up. We have a new case."

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