"Well, that's because this idea didn't come to mind until now,"

The door to the ballroom open and Avery and Amy turned as Ian and Annabelle came through the doors.

"Avery!" Annabelle cheered as she ran full speed towards Avery.

"Oh my!" Avery opened her arms so Anna could collide with her.

"You look very pretty," Avery stepped back to examine Annabelle.

Anna was wearing a white long sleeve polka dotted shirt with a set of overall shorts and some brown sandals.

"My grandma picked my outfit!" Anna announced and Ian joined the women and his daughter.

"Happy Father's Day," Amy kissed his cheek and Ian smiled at her.

"Thank you," Ian wrapped an arm around her before smiling at Avery.

"You two did an amazing job setting all of this up," he nodded and Avery pointed at Amy.

"Actually, I had just planned for a simple dance with some friendly snacks. Amy is the one that took it to the next level." Avery confessed and Amy did an small prideful curtsy.

"Daddy, can we go do golfing now?" Anna asked and Ian grinned before picking Anna up from the ground.

"Anything for you, Belle," he nodded and the two of them walked towards the door.

"Amy, you coming?" Ian asked and Amy opened her mouth to tell him that she had to stay behind and help Avery run this event.

"No, go," Avery stopped her first.

"That's the reason we have people at each station. It's so we can have the freedom to do whatever we want. I can handle it from here, thank you for your help with prepping all of this and knowing who to call for things like ball pits and waxing floors." Avery smiled at Amy.

"My entire career is to plan peoples lives and to plan events. This was easy," Amy replied with a smile as she handed Avery the clipboard in her hands.

"Well, thank you again," Avery smiled before grabbing the clipboard from Amy's hand.


Nami was immensely inebriated. 

Her one job for the evening was to help Lucas at the bar give a limited amount of free beers to dad's. Unfortunately, Nami didn't have enough self control to stay away from the stronger alcohols around her.

"What's going on?" Avery asked Lucas and Lucas stepped away from the bar to whisper to Avery.

"Well, it appears  that the person that you assigned to help me has a lot of problems. Alcohol and problems do not mix, Avery." Lucas crossed his arms and Avery frowned.

"What problems Luc? Nami is the most problem free person I know. That's why I sent her here." Avery said as she looked around the drink station for Nami who was nowhere in sight.

"Well, it started out with her complaining about how her parents never brought her to things like this." Lucas explained and Avery rolled her eyes.

"So I offered her a beer because it's what I do. People tell me their problems and I give them alcohol." Lucas explained and Avery focused on him.

"What's wrong with you?" 

"I'm a bartender," Lucas shrugged.

"Where is she?"

"I put her in the back room and if she wasn't as gone as she is, she'd figure out to just open the door and walk out but be thankful she hasn't figured it out."

"I'm going to kill her," Avery said through gritted teeth as she looked at her watch. Right now she was supposed to be outside checking in on the putt putt game to make sure the company was here to pick things up in half an hour.

"She got drunk at a family function because she was sad about Mommy and Daddy?" Avery threw the door open to the stock room.

"No I don't think it-"

"Avery!" Nami shouted with a grin as she stood up and stepped away from Joshua Snyde.


"When he showed up, she started drinking tequila." Lucas muttered and Avery looked between Nami and Joshua.

"What the hell is going on?"

Hi, it's super short but it has been a hectic week moving back to school

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Hi, it's super short but it has been a hectic week moving back to school. Gonna be even more hectic when classes start.

Anna's outfit (◦) ♥️ <3

Anna's outfit (❀◦‿◦) ♥️ <3

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Coming up: Avery is not happy with this turning of events and neither is Eli. Nami has some consequence for her actions.

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