"He probably wanted to test her before taking her. That's the only reason for him to do that." Itachi's expression was invaded by a large frown. 

"So in the end, it was inevitable to try to hide her?" The green eyed male asked finally waking up from the shock.

All of them remained silent answering the question. "But how do we know she is alive?" The pink haired female asked the other possibility that has been discussed when they arrived.

"I'll refuse that she...She is dead." Naruto heartbroken mentioned. "Madara took her and I'm not going to rest until I find her, believe it." With a determined gaze he shouted as he slammed his fist on the pa of his hand.

"That's a possibility that we must keep in mind especially since it was our main objective. We must inform the Leaders."

As much as all of your friends would like to speak to the Hokage and Kazekage, they have to follow orders. The only option they are left with is to send messages.

One is sent to the Kazekage, who is closer. Once the message arrived, it is two in the morning. If it weren't that important, the message would have been cast aside and be delivered until morning.

The  messenger has been explicitly been ordered to deliver each message with urgency. So, even at that time, there's some banging on the Kazekage's door. Said man rose to his feet as soon as he heard the first knock. 

Upon opening the door, he was presented with a scroll, he opened it as soon as it landed on his palm of his hand. He didn't even bother to shut the door, he just stood there as he opened it.It was information, he assumed, but that changed when your name came across those words.

With great vigor, his eyes scanned the letters. With widened eyes, he stared at the message. Dead. It was a possibility yes, but that word added to your name was enough to send his heart in a frenzy.

It ached, perhaps more than an actual wound. The man in front of him glanced up but left the Kazekage alone by leaving until his services were needed.

"[Name]." Softly, almost in a whisper, he keeps chanting a few times as if it would bring you back to life. However, it's not a definitive and you might be alive. His heart told him to order for your immediate search, he could be selfish but he cannot. If he does, how many lives would he have to sacrifice? With his heart breaking, he heads to gather something and send his siblings a message.

Once he gathers enough strength, he begins to write. -Orders remain the same; find the culptrid and end the war.- 

His hand pauses and then after he gathers his thoughts, he continues.

-If possible, begin a search party as well, but only if it does not interferes with your objective.

Once the message is done he sends a messenger to make the message arrived at his sister's hands as soon as possible. As a man, he feels the desire of leaving everything where it is and find you himself. Even so,  he is not just a man, he's a leader and as such, all he can do is to protect his people. Even if it means leaving the person that he cares about behind, but that's what a leader does, isn't it? If so, why does it feel like he's dying from the inside? Like he's missing a part of himself?

It's simple, you're missing. But he doesn't loses his hope of finding you, you should be his priority but he simply can't. The usual calm man seats on his bed and passes his hand over his face, a hiss passes through his lips and tears begin to stream down his cheeks.

The next message is delivered to Kakashi, but, he was already at his office waiting to be informed. Once he received  the message, he doesn't hesitate to open it and read it.

He's a smart man, he is, his brain tells him that you're fine but his hearts drums against his chest as if trying to run away. It's wounded, and it's crying as the thought of losing you...

Tossing the message to the side, he curses. Why does it feel like it's easier to deal with war? But when the news about you arrived, why...Why did his heart feel like it is being ripped from his chest? 

He lost people and he was been able to live with it, but you...Why? Turning his chair around to look out the window, he curls his fingers to form fists. There's a stinging sensation in his right arm, his eye trail to it only to notice it bleeding. How, he's not sure.

He can feel like dying, he can feel like running to find you but reality pushes him to act responsibly. Why? He's a leader, as a leader he's required to protect and love his people. Now, as much as he wishes to do whatever he can to find you, he knows he cannot.

Taking a deep breath, he turns around to send another message. His priority? End the war. 

-Objective remains the same, it is of high importance that we end this war. We cannot afford to send a search team when we know the possibility that she might be dead. If team 8 arrives and she is alive, send her to the Leaf. If Madara indeed captured her, inform me at once. Do not, I repeat, do not take action, and remind everyone their objective to not let their emotions get the best of them, this goes for Naruto, he can be reckless. Inform me as soon as you get news.-

Once done, he orders for the message to be sent ASAP. He can feel that he's in pain, he can feel like crying but that alone will be of no use. He must calm down and remain composed, if he doesn't then he'll make decisions that won't do anyone any good.

If he had felt exhaust to the extent of actually getting some rest, how could he when you're missing? He can't, no matter how much he tried. As he rubbed his neck feeling the tensed muscles, his eye looked at the pile of documents that need to be done. For now, he'll just have to occupy his mind not to think of you so he began to work on the documents. 

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