Chapter Twenty-One {A night to remember}

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May or may not include fem Andy 🙃🤭

This is a really long chapter so I hope you guys read all of it and enjoy it.

{Rye Beaumont}
I got back from dinner with the boys and found That Andy was no longer on the couch and was probably in his room because I knew he was still mad at me and all but I wanted to make sure he's okay.

I walked up to his room and his guitar was on his bed but he wasn't and the clothes he wore today were on the floor but where's Fovvs?

I walked into my room and there he was on my bed and sleeping, cuddled into the blankets.

I chuckled, I knew the boys were right about Andy coming around.

I quickly stripped myself of my clothes and replaced them with gray sweatpants. (Guys, we ALL know that when guys wear grey sweats we divert our eyes to that one spot).

I crawled into bed with him, immediately wrapping my arms around his waist.

He moved a little, cuddling into my chest, and kissing my neck softly.

"I'm sorry I went off on you," He muttered.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," I replied, kissing the top of his head softly.

He hummed then cuddled into me again.

Later on, I woke up and it was light outside.

I rolled over and pulled Andy closer to me, not allowing him to get up.

"Baby please," He whined.

I grunted, holding him close and kissing the back of his neck softly and I knew exactly where I wanted to take this.

{Andy Fowler}
When I felt Rye kiss the back of my neck, it lowkey made me feel freaky and horny but what's the chance.

"If you don't wanna continue tell me," Rye said as he continued down my neck and then I got the idea to tease because I could tell that he was hard.

I sat up then leaned down and leaving a teasing kiss on his lips.

I Straddled his lap and continued to kiss his neck leaving a few hickeys along the way.

I made my way down his stomach leaving a wet trail of dark purple marks along the way and slowly running my hand over his hard-on.

I looked up at him and smirked.

"Mm, too early rye, maybe tonight?" I said in an innocent voice.

He glared at me then sat up.

"I'm taking you out tonight on a date, be ready by 5," Rye said grumpily and went into the bathroom.

I giggled, knowing what he was doing and so I went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Morning," Jack yawned.

I smiled, "Morning," I giggled.

"Why so happy this morning?" Jack asked.

I blushed.

"No reason," I replied, pouring myself some milk.

"Mmm, sure," Jack replied, making himself some toast.

I chuckled again before making my way back upstairs but this time to my room.

~ lol sorry for like skipping half the day.

It was now 1:30 and I decided that I best start getting ready for this date and Rye did mention that it wasn't fancy but it wasn't casual and so I had an idea.

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