Chapter Eleven {Feelings}

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{Brooklyn Wyatt}
"Andy, please," I begged.

He looked at me with doubt.

"It'll work out I promise," I said.

"How do you know? He's just come out of an abusive relationship, I don't think he's ready to move on," Andy replied, unlocking the door to his house.

"I know but we've been talking for awhile now, but I can finally progress and show him what I'm really like without Ethan getting in my way," I whined.

"Look, give him time okay? It's been less then 48 hours and you're already wanting to make him your bitch, I'm not gonna let that happen," Andy said.

"I'm not trying to make him my bitch," I replied, acting offended.

"Well, to me you are," He replied.

I groaned.

"Why the fuck do you have to be so stubborn?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"It's in my blood," he replied.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't ever make a reference to Shawn again," I stated, sitting on top of the counter in the kitchen.

He giggled, standing between my legs.

"Are you gonna go to Manchester with Rye?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jack also said he wanted to go because he likes someone on the team and wants to support them," Andy replied.

My eyes lit up.

"Do you know who he likes?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said, I was about to say something but he got to it first, "but I'm not saying who that person is," Andy continued.

"Well, love you too Fovvs," I said, quite disappointed.

He smirked, I glared.

{Andy Fowler}
"So Brooklyn was talking to me this morning," I said, helping Rye but the overnight bags in the car.

"Really? About what?" Rye asked.

"Jack," I replied.

"No, he can't date jack," Rye stated, throwing his football bag in the trunk.

"That's what I said," I replied.

"Good," He replied, shutting the trunk and walking back inside.

I ran after Rye.

"I mean, Jack's 15 almost 16 so you can't really say what he can or can't do soon," I said.

Rye turned around, giving me the death glare.

"What?" I whined.

"I know that, I just want to keep him safe," Rye stated.

I sighed, grabbing Rye's hand and pulling him into my room.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I smirked.

"Sit," I said, pointing to the couch.

He gave me a 'What the fuck' look.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna give you a lap dance or anything," I giggled.

He chuckled, sitting down on the couch.

I went to my closet, getting out a few outfits.

"You said this was championships right?" I asked.

"Football?" He replied.


"Um, yes why?" He asked again.

"You see, don't you have like a dinner or something afterwards, no matter the win or lose?" I asked.

He nodded his head.

"Okay then, I'd rather be dead then see you uncoordinated," I replied.

"Are you telling me my fashion sense is bad?" Rye asked, acting offended.

"In the nicest way possible...yes," I replied.

"Rude!" He said.

I laughed, grabbing a pair of blue jeans, white shoes, a white tee shirt and a few accessories.

I gave it to Rye.

"For a 16 year old gay dude, you sure know how to make something for a straight dude," Rye said.

I kicked him.

"That's rude," I said.

"Ow, jeez calm yourself," Rye said.

I went to walk away, but I tripped on the rug, almost falling on my head by Rye had fast reflexes and caught me.

Wow, his hands were soft yet muscular.

"Careful or you might hurt yourself," Rye said.

"I-uh, um, thanks," I said, messing up my words.

He smiled, helping me stand up all the way.

It was in that moment, that the feelings we had for each other were confirmed.

Sorry for a filler chapter, I have bad writers block at the moment but I do have good news, I guess it's like bragging I guess but let's just say I have the greatest girlfriend in the world, like damn she's stubborn but it's just another thing I like about her.

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