Chapter Twelve {My Promise}

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Btw, Aaron will be 16 in this,🤣 Zach will be 18 as he turns 18 tomorrow

I get to see my baby girl tomorrow and I'm lowkey gonna cry

{Andy Fowler}
"Brooklyn! You're with Mikey! You can't just ask jack to be something when you're with another person," I said, almost punching him but Rye kept me back.

He scratched the back of his neck.

"Well? Aren't you gonna do something then?" I barked.

"Hold Up Fovvs, before you attack My boyfriend, I'm aware he likes jack and we both do so why not just do a polyamory relationship," Mikey butted in.

"Jack would most likely be left out," I replied.

"No, he wouldn't," Brooklyn stated.

"Why? He just came out of an abusive relationship," Rye said, still holding me so I don't attack the two others.

"We'll give him time, we just want him to be happy," Mikey stated.

I glared.

"You don't know jack like I know him," I said.

"We know this, but we wanted to talk about it but BROOKLYN gave us away," Mikey said.

"I'm sorry but I was excited, I'm sure jack will say yes though," Brooklyn said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

I really didn't approve of this, because I knew both boys would get hurt if jack told them he liked Aaron.

"Helikesaaron," I said quickly, causing heads to snap towards me.

"What?" Brooklyn said.

"He likes Aaron," I said.

"Oh," Mikey said.

"He didn't want to tell you guys because he didn't want to hurt you guys, yes he's 15 but he's mature and Aaron is a really good guy, he's one of my close friends and I trust him, a lot," I said as Rye let go of me.

Brooklyn looked bummed

"I told you so Brooklyn, this is why I said to be quiet about it," Mikey said.

He sulked and I turned towards Rye, placing my hands around his neck.

"Can we go out on that date you asked me to do awhile back?" I asked.

"Um, yeah, sure," He replied.

"Can we go to the ice cream shop? The rolled ice cream one," I asked.

He smiled.

"Let me go get my keys," Rye said with a pause, "for my baby of course," He continued.

He was really gonna bring out his sports car so he would let everyone in town know it was him.

I was excited but oh boy.

Later on when we were in the car, Rye Put some music on so it could break the silence.

Turns out, the dude actually has some good taste in music.

We got to the ice cream shop and I was cold, like really cold.

"Rye?" I asked as they were making the ice cream.

"Yeah?" He responded, fixated on what the person was doing.

I shivered.

"Can I have your hoodie? I'm cold," I whined.

He chuckled, sliding the hoodie off of himself and giving it to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, then slid it onto my body.

It was way too big and I liked it and it smelled of Rye's aftershave.

After we got our ice cream, we went and sat down on the corner seats.

"Why did you want to come here?" Rye asked, taking a spoonful of his ice cream.

I looked at him then looked away.

"I always came here with my dad, then we always drove by your house because I was in love with it, but I never wanted to live there and didn't want too. I like the lower class life and what it had to offer, I have so many memories here with Dad and if I thought I came to a place with good memories and no bad then maybe I'd relax a little from the stress," I replied, knowing I was about to cry.

My face was heated and I could feel it.

Rye smiled softly, taking my hand in his.

It was soft and yet bigger then mine and comforting, the metal on his rings were cold but it felt nice for someone to be there for me.

"I know something is wrong with your dad, you don't have to tell me but I don't want you to feel alone," He said.

"He's moving away and won't be here forever, I so desperately wanted to go with him but I was 14 at the time of their divorce so I had no say on who I got to live with, my mom got custody of me and my dad always had weekend visits, he taught me how to play guitar and sing and have fun with life but he's moving to America to start new and I don't think I can-I don't think I can live without him, not being able to see him every weekend, the courts didn't give me a chance to speak and now, now I'm stuck here in England," I said, looking down at the ice cream that once looked so good.

Rye didn't say anything but stand up and come over to me and then he hugged me.

I broke and I couldn't handle the feelings.

"Let's go outside babe," Rye said as I stood up and walked out, feeling really embarrassed that I broke down.

Rye ended up going back home and letting me calm down but in his room.

Wiping the remains tears the fell with his thumb, he pulled me into yet, another heartfelt hug.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and I felt so weak.

"Andy," Rye asked, running his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah," I hiccuped.

"Can I make a promise to you?" He asked.

I lifted my head up, looking into his hazel/brown eyes that had the biggest spark in them.

"S-sure," I mumbled.

"It's my promise to make sure you're okay, my promise to make sure that you'll be okay and that you'll feel loved, I know you love your mom but I can tell it's not as much as your dad," Rye stated.

The fact that he promised me those things, made me happy and cry.

I hugged him tighter and sobbed.

"I promise, you'll be okay and you'll feel okay here," He whispered, leaving a soft kiss on the top of my head.

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