Chapter Seven {Demons}

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RoadTripsPotato made this

{Jack Duff}

The sound of a phone ringing woke me up, though I kept my eyes closed. I felt the weight of Rye leaning against me, I was still sandwiched between him and Andy, who was also waking up.

"We should probably get your stuff today, you can leave the clothes, for the most part, we'll just go shopping and get you a whole new wardrobe," Andy said, as we tried to sit up, Rye limp body pushed over to the other side of the couch.

"Maybe later today when he's at work, I still have my key," I mumble, my heart racing a bit. Andy nodded, noticing my panicked state.

"Let's go make pancakes!" Andy said cheerfully, dragging me out of the screening room and to the kitchen.

"I love food, it'll never break your heart," Andy mumbled to himself, as he bent over, digging through the fridge.

I laughed at his silliness, he never fails to make me feel better. He pulls out fruit, whipped cream then got the pancake mix from the pantry.

After a while, we had decent looking pancakes, the fire alarm went off at least 3 different times, and there were half a dozen burnt pancakes in the trash. And one of Andy's pancakes stolen by one of the dogs.

"Lust, you could've asked, ya know!" I could hear Andy yell, as he chased the dog around the house, something about how they aren't allowed to be fed human food.

Andy came back minutes later, heaving as he saunters up to his pancakes, watching for the dogs.

"Did you guys make me any?" A voice called from the door, causing me to turn around, Rye standing there, hair is a mess.

"No, totally forgot about you, and there is no more batter," Andy smirked at his stepbrother.

Rye mumbled something and walked away, making Andy laugh.

Time skip to later in the day

We climbed into Rye's black car, the nerves in my stomach eating me alive.

"Are you sure you're fine back there by yourself?" Andy asked from the passenger seat, his blue eyes looking into the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I mumbled, picking at my fingernails. I know that Ethan isn't supposed to be home, but just going to the house terrifies me.


The sounds of sneakers squeaking on the marble tiling of the mall floor could be heard through my headphones and music.

I hate coming here, especially if I was dragged here by 'friends' from school. They'd drag me with them and then leave me to wonder unless they wanted something carried for them. I'm tired of being a pack mule, I deserve better than this.

So being the 'independent' boy I was, I left only to become lost. But hey, there can always be something interesting with this, and it beats following a bunch of jerks and their girlfriends only to carry their stuff.

I came across the food court, grabbing my wallet, I walked up to a McDonald's and stood in line to order. Wasting my time on my phone, I scrolled through Instagram.

"Welcome to McDonald's, how may I take your order?" A husky voice asked, causing me to snap my head up.

The voice belonged to an attractive boy. A tattoo sleeve decorating his arm, his hair, the darkest shade of brown. And his eyes, don't forget able his eyes. The most gorgeous shade of green, the kind that you could get stuck in for hours, and the sweetest smile.

"Oh umm, sorry! Can I get large fries and a Docter Pepper." I spoke, nervously. My eyes flickering to his name tag, Ethan, beside it a small rainbow flag pendant, matching the strings of my hoodie.

"Yeah, can I get a n-name for your order?" He asked, seeming just as distracted.

"Duff, Jack Duff," I say, straightening my posture. My fingers tapping lightly on the counter.

"Okay, $5.12 is your total." He smiled. I nodded and gave him a ten, got my receipt and sat down, checking out the smexy(😂) cashier.

Once my number was called, I retrieved my food, a note stapled to my bag. I didn't read it until I sat down, but when I did my eyes lit up.

-Hey cutie, saw you checking me out, I've seen you around a lot maybe sometime you should hit me up

-Ethan ;)

A smile was painted on my face as I snacked on my fries, I put the paper in my hoodie.

"Come on Jack, we gotta go!" My friend Amy called, waving her Rue21 bags in the air. Getting up I raced to my 'friends'.

{End of Flashback}

We stared at the house I called my home for a year, while we sat in the car. My heart ready to jump out of my chest, ready to run and hid, like had many times in this house.

I heard a growl from the front seat, knowing immediately it was Rye, causing me to crack a smile.

"Do you want us to come in?" Andy asked softly, causing me to shake my head and open the door.

"I got it," I told him, feeling thankful for having friends like them but I was capable of retrieving a few things, no matter what happened in this house.

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