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"Hmm? What do we have here?" Hades said sarcastically. The 7 was kneeling in front of him, being tied up tightly disabling them to talk. But Hades read them directly in their mind so that they can still enable to communicate with him.

"5 demons and 2 devils who defied my orders. You seven are truly brave and smart like your parents huh? Well I felt proud," Hades continued speaking.

Yoongi and Jin furrowed both of their eye brows. They were wondering why would Hades be proud of them when they are now considered as criminals who defied his orders? That was a little bit weird for them too.

"이상해..." Jin randomly said to his mind.

(Review: Weird)

Hades cleared his throat. "But still,... you still defied my orders which is not acceptable so you have to pay for that."

"Yes. We are currently expecting that Lord Hades," Yoongi answered politely

"Well glad you do because I have something worse punishment for the 2 demons here."

Taehyung interrupted the session. "Uhm excuse my intervention your majesty but I have to ask you. You said earlier that you have a worse punishment for the 2 demons. Why is it you only said 2 demons? Did you meant Hoseok-hyung and I will have the punishment? We didnt kinda catch what you really meant," Taehyung explained his words in sophistication and pure respect from the majesty he was facing.

Hades smiled then giggled after what he heard from Taehyung.

"This child is smart. He's really like his devil father, Taejo I think?" Hades mentally said to his mind.

"Well my dear wait- What's your name again?" Hades asked him before continuing what he was saying.

"Taehyung." He replied.

"Oh. My dear Taehyung, son of my adopted son Taejo which made you my son too because you are also a devil yourself, no. Hoseok and you doesnt have to pay the worse consequences. As of the three remaining. Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin. You will only have the mild one yet for the two remaining, they have to pay the worse consequences as they were just an ordinary demons," Hades continued explaining himself.

Namjoon's innocent face turned into a questioning look. "What?" He asked out of confusion from what they heard.

"For further explaination, Yoongi, Jungkook and... Jimin are the half demons and half devils so they were also considered as special too as they were sons of a royalty demon. Unlike the two of you, Jin and Namjoon, you were just a normal sons of your demon parents. That's why I have to put the worse punishment on the both of you, that's one of the rules of Hell." Hades furtherly explained his explaination, almost forgotting Jimin's name in his first sentence.

They cant believe what they had heard. Gregorio havent mentioned it to them. This was the first time and it hit them very hard. They just cant believe it. Like how could be Jungkook and Jimin considered as half devils just like their cousin Yoongi? And why it has to be Jin and Namjoon have to pay the worse punishment? Even if they weren't really brothers, they still treated themselves as brothers and if one of them has to suffer, they would choose to be punished equally. They doesnt want one of them will suffer while they arent. They want to be treated fairly and equally.

Hades called a servant. A servant obediently came in, bringing a punishing whip specialized for demons. The same weapon used to Yoongi before when he was punished for surrendering himself instead of surrendering Taehyung and Hoseok. The servant started to punish Jin and Namjoon. He started to whip them very harshly.

"No! No! Please!" Yoongi shouted.

Jungkook felt pity so he faced Hades. "Please dont! They just wanted to save us! Please! I'm begging you Lord Hades! Please release them!" Jungkook said, tearing up as he spoke his pleads.

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