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"Psst! Namjoonie! Can you hear me?" Yoongi whisperly asked Namjoon who was being chained in a cell wall with the others. They were alone so that's easy for Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok to sneak in on their cell without getting noticed.

Namjoon wasnt fine. He was being like Yoongi when he was being punished before he was discovered as a half devil. He was bloodbathing with his own blood. Jin was too yet he was unconscious but he was not dead. Jungkook was having a bloodbath too yet he wasn't unconscious. He was just looking down, slowly fading his hopes. And Jimin who was having his bloodbath too and just like Jungkook, he was just looking down, slowly fading his hopes too.

As Namjoon heard Yoongi's voice, he slowly turned his head to the owner of the voice, surprised of what he saw. He was thinking, why was Yoongi and the two were there? Why was Yoongi was there?

"Yoongi..." He thought to his mind, unabling himself to talk. Yoongi heard him.

Yoongi turned his gaze to Taehyung and Hoseok. "Help me untie them! Quick! I'm afraid we dont have enough much time. Remember, dont use your powers, this chains only nullifies-" But before Yoongi could finish his sentence, the two already used their powers to untie the chains but nothing works. "-it... I told you, that wouldn't work. That chains nullify the powers of a demon or a devil. We need a key!" He whisperly shouted at them. The two immediately apologized for their sudden move.

Yoongi snapped his fingers as he thought of something that could help them. It was Taehyung. "Taehyung, I believe you could construct something using your demonic ability right? Do it now!" He ordered him.

Taehyung did what he was told. He made a key and inserted it to the keyholes of the chains. Namjoon was free and Hoseok held him carefully. Taehyung immediately untie Jin too, and he successfully did. Yoongi made sure to held him carefully too. Taehyung turned to Jimin immediately as he was done untying Jin. Jimin was shocked as he saw Taehyung. He wants to speak but he cant. Taehyung finished untying him in just a couple of seconds. Yoongi held him too waiting for Taehyung to untie Jungkook. They were outnumbered. Four of them were injured yet only three of them were fine. How were they suppose to carry extra one of the injured?

Taehyung finished untying Jungkook and he held him carefully. They all looked at each other. They couldnt carry everyone of them. Who would carry Jimin?

"Come here. I'll lead you to the exit..." Someone spoke in behind of them and carried the poor Jimin.

Yoongi furrowed his eye brows. "Who are you?" He intently asked him.

"Dont worry. I mean you no harm. C'mon! I heard that guards are coming any minute now!" The male demon said.

The three brothers all looked to each other and nodded as an agreement. For now, they have to excape the castle and the dungeon. And for making it, they need someone who has much experience in hell. They have to trust him. They just hoped, they were not being fooled for a trap or something that they would regret from trusting him.

They followed the demon who was leading them. The demon was carefully bringing Jimin on his arms.

Yoongi read his mind. The demon was thinking, the way on getting out of the castle, the way on getting in their house? What house? He thought.

After a couple of slow running , they immediately made it out atlast. "Come to my house. You are safe there. Atleast for this night, and enough for them to heal," he said as he lead them to his house.


"This is my house. Come in come in," the demon said as they arrived. They entered the house. The house wanst big nor small. It was just a moderately-sized house. The demon lead the three to put Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin in a bed as he put Jimin on a bed in the same room. The three did what they was told.

"Stay out from them for a second. I'll heal them," he said.

Yoongi wondered why but he obeyed anyway. The demon raised his hand midway and a green light surrounded the four injured guys. Their bruises and scratches slowly being faded away. They're getting healed bit by bit. Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon was overwhelmed of the feeling they felt so they were slowly closing their eyes, drifting themselves to sleep. Afterwards, the green light that surrounded them stopped.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked confusely.

The demon looked at them. "They're okay. They just have to take some rest, atleast for 1 night. You can go tomorrow if you want."

"Why would you do this?"

"Because I told him," Someone said behind them making Hoseok flinched a little. It was the old demon they have met when they're on their way to save Yoongi, ending up being caught and was saved by Yoongi instead.

Yoongi could hear their minds so he immediately acknowledged the old demon's presence.

"Why?" Hoseok asked.

"Why? Because..."


In the castle where Hades was sitting on his royal chair, he was facing the one who punished Yoongi.

"How could you do that to him my loyal servant?! He was a half devil?!" Hades madly asked the demon.

The demon that was kneeling in front of him, pleaded as he said these words. "I apologized sire for what I had done. I wasnt aware of my actions and I didnt even take a further investigation about the half devil. I know I cannot be forgiven easily. I shall take my punishment of my sudden action my lord!" He pleaded

Hades touched his chin as he was thinking of something. "What do you want for punishment then? Exterminate you?" He asked.

"I shall take-" But before the demon could say about what he want for his punishment,someone had interrupted him.

"Sire! I am sorry to interrupt your discussion but there is something important that I should tell you right now my lord!" That someone said out loud.

"Pardon?" Hades asked.

"The devils had excape and so as the four criminals who were captivated yesterday!"

Hades was shocked of what he heard. He didnt care about the criminals who excaped but for the two devils and a half devil. He cant believe it. He finally have his adopted sons but they excaped as soon as he didnt expected. How could they?

He stood out of annoyance. "You servant!" He pointed the demon who was kneeling in front of him. "Your punishment is to bring them here at once. Do I made myself clear, dont I?!" He commanded.

The demon bowed. "Yes sire. I shall not fail you."

"You better not or I will erase your whole existence!"

The demon feared of what he said. He took his leave from the hall.

"Dont worry my lord. I wont fail you this time..."

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