Chapter 38: Best Friends

Start from the beginning

"You're no fun." Gavin said, folding his arms leaning back into the couch. His eyes closed as he took in a deep breath, "I feel awful..." he mumbled. He hadn't had a noticeable mood swing in quite a while and he didn't want one to happen at all. His Cyclothymia was extremely mild and he was actually lucky in some way. Only certain things would trigger him.

"You just need to stay calm. Think about anything other than this investigation."


Niner facepalmed, "Okay. Okay. Think about... having sex with Connor but don't give me any of the details. I'm already a victim to you and him almost commiting the act."

Gavin smirked, his eyes still closed, "Yes. Connor's long and wet-"


"I was going to say his long and wet tie! God!" Gavin opened his eyes.

A look of confusion spread across the android's face, "His tie?! Why would it be wet?!"

Gavin shrugged, "I don't know. Ask him."

"Because I am capable of asking a figure of your imagination..." Niner felt his own stress levels rising, "Great! Now I have the image of you and him in my head-" he paused. He then decided to leave and head for the kitchen. He soon returned with a glass of water, "Oh, please don't tell me you're turned on..."

"N-No!" Gavin exclaimed, shifting uncomfortably, "Okay. Maybe a little."

He handed the glass to Gavin, "It also really doesn't help that I look exactly like Connor either, does it?"

Gavin shook his head, gulping down half the water, "Not really, no."

"I'm not performing anything remotely sexual with you, Gavin."

"What the fuck, Niner?! I didn't want to anyways! Jesus..." he finished the rest of the water as the android sat next to him. He held the empty glass in his lap, "I really fucked up."

"No, you didn't. And you need to stop thinking about it. It won't help your situation at all."

Gavin nodded, "I know I need to stop thinkin' bout it. It's just hard."

Niner grimaced slightly, "That better not be a euphemism..."

"No! For fuck sake." a slight smile appeared on his face, "I mean it could be."

"I don't need to know the specifics." the android then stood, "I'm going to take a look around. You will stay here until your stress levels are lowered sufficiently."

The man sighed, "You sound like an overprotective mother..."

"I like to see us as best friends." Niner smirked.

"That's pushing it..." Gavin paused, "Maybe."


How could Gavin do that to him?

How could he cheat on him with Lara?

Connor's hands were in his hair as he rested his back against the wall. He had made his way down to the archives room, needing to be alone with his thoughts.

He buried his face in his knees, finally letting the tears fall. His LED was spinning red. His stress levels were rising.

He hated and loved Gavin so much it hurt.

Why wasn't he allowed a single ounce of happiness?

He was starting to think that maybe androids didn't deserve love like humans did.

He wanted to kiss Gavin. But at the same time he wanted to smack him.

He wanted Gavin to hold him in his arms. But then again he wanted to punch the fucker in the face.

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