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I am SO EXCITED!!!! My birthday is in 5 days!!! Why am I so excited about that? Yeah I have absolutely NO idea hahaha!! Gifts? Yeah there's nothing I really want besides to go places that no one will fund. I've been hanging with Jake a lot. I spent three days with him and my family but I had to ride with him- What a ride for those three days lol! I "snuck out" and saw him yesterday. All I'm gonna say is it wasn't a fun hour with him and I'm a little mad. In the end I got hurt and it's whatever. Also, he continuously tells me that we can't be a thing but then tries to kiss me. Like what the hell are you doing?! Do you know all the mixed signals you're sending?! So that's always fun to deal with.... Currently my grandma is out of town and by the time she comes back, I'll have been home for 7 hours all alone with nothing to do. It's boring lol. I'm debating on going to college. The college I have to go to, I don't want to go to. I want to go to a different one so I'm hella upset over that one. I fear that I'm never actually going to get anywhere in this world and I'm gonna end up being homeless. I feel like it's just inevitable and that really freaks me out. So yeah life is just a ball of stress. Also I'm thinking of doing a "book" on here. A thirty day challenge where I write a story every day. I'm just curious to see how it would go over. What are your thoughts on it? Yay or Nay? Let me know. Also follow me on insta: jenna_rose_5205

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