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Ugh today needs to end!!! My day started off with a meltdown first thing this morning, about not wanting to go to school- I absolutely hate it!! Then I had to walk to my class in the cold. So my first class starts and I have no idea about anything we learned because I was totally zoning out; but I came back when the teacher jumped off the mini stage to squash a bug- That was SO funny!! Next we had to write a blue's song and I didn't know what to write so I had everyone yelling at me and creating more pressure. Because of all that I missed the first shuttle to the other campus and I was furious. I got stuck on this old nasty bus. Bleh! Second block was study hall and I read the entire time. My grandma had to go to the dentist because she broke her tooth by eating an English muffin. Then came lunch and music class which was full of drama. Fourth block history class was the real problem. I had to work in a group and I had no idea what we were doing, It just didn't make sense and I hate that class anyway. After school I had to go to a doctor and she was a total bitch. I also had a panic attack. Then my grandma hosted a family dinner and nobody did anything about the stupid children that wouldn't stay out of things. I just hate life. I'm missing enamel from my tooth so I'm upset about that. I get my braces off tomorrow but my teeth have to shift back to how they were- or worse now since the stupid braces. Ugh please just end me. I hope everyone is having a better day than me because this is terrible. Alright bye and I'll chat some more tomorrow. :) :) :) :)

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