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Finally on summer vacation and I'm already miserable. Today I knew I was going to have to see Jake and I can't tell you how absolutely excited I was. So annnywayy the time came where I finally had to see him- I was so nervous and scared... literally nothing happened except him hurting my feelings and saying he would NEVER kiss me. I almost cried right there. I mean I get it completely but still. For all I know he might actually want to kiss me but had to play it off like he didn't. He sounded so shocked and kinda disgusted when my cousin said that he should kiss me. I wasn't sure what to say so I just sat on the couch wondering what he would say. Then when he said NO!! He looked at me so I made it look like I agreed with him even though I didn't- under any circumstances at all. UGH!!!!! The rest of the night kinda went smoothly- Jake and I chatted and played around a bit- In a non sexual way. And that's really my whole night in a nut shell. *Sigh* He's so different in person than over text- I kinda hate him now. And the drive home- Don't get me started- I just wanted to cry the entire car ride... I still do. I want to cry and cry until I get sick and run out of tears. I'm not sure why I always fall for the boys who don't and never will like me. I wish I could just stop falling for these idiots. Well I think that's all for tonight. How is everyone? Has anybody else started their summer break or are you still in school?  

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