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Can I just say how much I hate Wattpad?! I had typed something out last night and it's gone. Everything is just making me mad. So let me fill you in on what happened last night since it didn't save.. Long story short I got yelled at and felt like crap. He triggered an attack and oh how lovely that was- NOT!!! I have no drive to want to to talk to him or even send him a light hearted message. I kinda hate him and I know this relationship is over. Oh well. Alright I need to go calm down and if this doesn't save I'm gonna flip. Bye guys 

What a day!! No school and nothing to do. Stupid me just texted him asking what we are and where we stand. I'm so nervous about what his answer will be. Anything he could say could hurt me knowing him. Oh look he hasn't answered and probably won't. I'm done with 2018. It's been nothing but problems for me. *Huge sigh* later my loves :*

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