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No school today!!! It's a transition day to get accustomed to our new classes so that's cool. Today is a boring rainy day and I have nothing to do. I actually slept through the night last night which was amazing!!!! So I'm trying to be more active on all my social medias but it's a lot of work. Instagram is my absolute favorite and I use it almost 24/7, then there's my Wattpad which I never really have time to update because senior year has me busy. Then there's my Facebook but I've kinda forgotten how to use it and also like what's the point of it? I don't know I just find it stupid but I'm trying....Okkkaaaay so that might be due to certain somebody but oh well. And then I have a Pinterest which is so dumb and pointless, Snapchat which I despise and that's all I can think of. I'm so hot and itchy it's annoying. Well that's all for now so I'm probably gonna go and attempt to work on my stupid Facebook some more... Later my loves :) :* :)  

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