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Hello my loves! I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day and a good day today as well. The last two days have been alright. School was school- boring as usual. On Valentine's I bought my six friends flowers and they were so happy which in turn made me happy. I have a weird thing to almost any holiday I text the people in my contacts a happy whatever it is and it seems dumb but it makes me happy. So that's what I did but it didn't make me as happy as usual and I'm over it. I texted my ex and he never answered so the next day I apologized and he acted clueless but I know him better than that and I get it. I mean why would ex's wish each other a Happy Valentine's Day? I don't know, because I'm weird and I still kinda like him? But who knows. (Note the sarcasm.) So that was that. Then there are two other people that I like that I texted. One ignored me for a while then refused to let me call them and talk and the other one was flirting with me while they sent nudes to someone which was annoying as hell but once again whatever. Today in English I hot my quiz back and I failed. I got 8/20 and man oh man did I get in trouble with my grandma. I can't help it. I'm over the whole school scene and I have my days and the day of the quiz was one of those days that I didn't give a shit. It's just so frustrating. Lately I've had a sore in my mouth and talking is hard- eating is almost impossible. I've tried swishing warm water and salt around in my mouth but that feels even worse and makes me cry. Then again I have like negative five as a pain tolerance. So that's that. Let's see what else.... I'm not sure what else to say. I could always tell a story but it's better in person since I'm very dramatic and funny. Lately I've been thinking about one of my other ex's named Bradley. He was six foot something, long blonde hair, glasses, into some bad things but such a good guy. We dated a short while and all the while he was cheating on me with a legit psychopath who told me she was going to have him hit me with his car. She ruined my life but whatever. Ugh he was so sweet. It's strange, he's usually the one I never really think about anymore since we're sorta friends but lately I miss him. I don't really have any guy friends left; they're all girls who all have drama that I have to deal with. Guys are so much more chill and cool. What I would give to have that again. Well I'm gonna go for now. I hope you are all doing well and I love you!!! 😙😙😙

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