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Today sucks. I had to stay home due to being sick. I feel like I'm getting worse. There's supposed to be snow tomorrow and I was hoping for a snow day to recuperate but now there might be school and just a delay. UGH!!! I have a sore throat and I've been sneezing all day with an on and off fever. Bleh. Alright I'm gonna go for now. Later my loves :)

I am so sick of being sick!! First off why do you get worse around nighttime? Second off I took a lozenge thing and it numbed my throat.. Although I can't feel my tongue and it's been awhile. Third off.. I forgot what I wanted to say... Oh! Food is so weird! Like everything tastes gross to me but here I am eating rubbery scrambled eggs that I can't even taste. Yuck! Anyways- So when I get sick I will literally cry about everything. Blah I'm sick of complaining so I'll check back in when I feel like it haha

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