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Wow January is almost over- that's crazy!!! I'm so tired... So last night I was on Facebook and I saw a post from my aunt saying something about  praying to God for something and I immediately knew it was for attention- she's kinda sick in the head. Anyway so I read the post and it has something to do with lung cancer. She's truly stupid so I couldn't understand her poor grammar or anything. So I sent her a text asking if she had lung cancer or if she was finding out she had it.  No response. Then I tried to send the same message through messenger via Facebook but she did something and I can't send messages. Now you might think I'm being mean but let me explain the ways of my sick and twisted aunt. When my dad died I got stuck living with her and I had no choice. At first I didn't mind because she was really nice but not soon after my dad's passing she became super mean. I know this sounds like Cinderella but it's not. Anyway so I had to take care of my then 3 year old cousin. I'm talking change her, find her things to eat, do everyone's laundry, do dishes, make bed, sweep, feed a lot of animals, make sure my grandma who was a diabetic ate and what not. It was a lot and I was only 8. So yeah it got worse as the years went on. I'm naturally skinny and as hard as I try I can't put on weight. Well my aunt likes kids to be borderline obese so she got my doctor to put me in a freaking hospital that was a very long way's away and she never came to see me. Not once! That was the worst thing she had ever done at that point in my life. Then when I was released I had to drink these drinks that make you gain weight and they were awful. Well I started pouring them down the sink and got caught, so I had to have teachers at school make sure I was drinking them. It was embarrassing. Oh she also had me in a wheelchair so I couldn't lose weight by walking. What a disaster. Finally in 5th grade it was over- the wheelchair anyway but we soon moved towns and once again I got caught not drinking the drinks again and got in huge trouble. Annnywayyyy. Throughout my entire life with her she has always found a reason to ground me or yell at me, or not let me go places. She's pretty wicked. For the past 10 years I've been mentally and verbally abused by her, it's awful but I always thought that's how my life was supposed to be. I didn't know any better. But then when I went to my friend's house and saw how loving her family was, I realized something in my life wasn't right. So I tried talking to my aunt but she would go off and tell anyone who would listen. She told her friends at work I was this awful teenager that did nothing but cause trouble and blah blah blah. She made me seem horrible when it wasn't me but her who was this godforsaken creature. But because she treated me bad and never trusted me and all that, I rebelled and I did a lot of things I kinda regret. I gave her a reason to not trust me and I just kept getting worse. If she wanted trouble I would give it to her and i did- for a straight 2 years. But back to the point of this story. I guess she's been through some stuff in her life and from what I heard is she always makes it about herself. Her daughter got raped by her own father and my aunt turned the story so it happened to her and that her daughter was the one to blame. That's only one example and you can already see something's wrong with her. She's like a child stuck in an adult's body but can't seem to mentally grow up. Ayiyi she's a pain in everyone's neck. She raised my cousin to be JUST like her! Spoiled rotten little brat who can do no wrong. I'm sorry I'm awfully bitter. it's just whenever I talk to her in any way or even think about her it makes my blood boil. So I'm gonna go. I have to go to my grandpa's for our Sunday lunch. Have a lovely day my loves :)  

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