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Today has been awesome. I went to a mall and Olive Garden with one of my aunts. Now I'm exhausted but beyond happy. I'm not sure who reads this but whoever does read my rants, do me a favor and find yourself a true friend that you can trust with the biggest of secrets that you could possibly have- within reason of course. Make sure it's someone who isn't judgmental and has the best intentions for you in mind. I had a story to tell. At first I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid I would lose yet another friend. But I told it all and everything is fine. Afterwards I cried. I didn't realize the toll it took on me to keep my story bottled. It felt so nice to tell someone and not have them hate me or criticize me. The story is nothing too important. Wow this sounds horrible lol. See this is why I gave up writing- nothing comes out right anymore. Gah I have a pounding headache from so much time on my devices. Give me some ideas of things I can do that don't involve electronics. I love you all my lovely readers. Have a wonderful rest of the night or day depending on where you are or when you're reading this :) :) :*

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