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I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know I did. All was well until today.. Everyone in my family more or less attacked me- verbally. I was asked about college and all of that crap, then they went on to say that there is no way in hell I'll be going to college because of my grades and my attitude. Well that really hurt. Stupid me goes on a rant, yelling about how my attitude is the way it is because nobody believes in me or my dreams and when you're told that you're a failure so many times you give up! They all nodded their heads and were like "Yeah, you are a failure and will never be more than that." At that point I blew up. I have a short temper to begin with so that really set me off. But by then I was so upset I started bawling my eyes out and just screaming at everyone; telling them to shut up and leave me alone. I was hurt. Well then my grandma blows up at my aunt and we leave, but not before my dumb ass aunt tries blaming me. Like sorry I'm never good enough and never will be.

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