Author's Note

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Hello my lovely readers,
I just want to tell you all thank you so much for allowing me to write this story. Thank you for showing so much love and support throughout this journey. Also thank you for reading, voting , and commenting. I appreciate and enjoyed every single comment. If I did not get to reply back to you, I'm sorry but just know I appreciate it.
I had a blast writing this book, but sadly all good things must come to an end. Although it's the end of this book I do have more unfinished books if you all like to read. I do have some more ideas that I'll be writing soon. So if you're a Edward and Emmett's fan then this one for you. I will write a love story for the both of them very soon. But before that I will updating my other stories since I have been focus on Annie's story for a while. Once again thank you all and hope too see you guys on my next chapter in life.
With much love TwilightDarling ❤️

Twilight: AnneMarie Charlotte SwanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz