New Moon 1: Happy Birthday, Swans

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DISCLAIMER: All the characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. The only thing that belongs to me is Emily Swan, her plot and some extra characters.

Plot: It's been some time since the whole James' situation. Annie and Bella are both healing from their wounds, however, some wounds can never heal. And just like many things in life, something must always go wrong, and this time it has major consequences. Follow Annie and Bella on this new chapter of their lives. Join Annie and Bella as they experience their first major heartbreak, follow the twin sisters as they meet with new supernatural species, join them as they deal with their own demons. How will Annie cope with knowing the future yet knowing she can't stop it from happening. How can she save her sister from shutting down? What will she do now that the Cullens left? Who will protect them? And who's the new guy in town? What does he want? And what secrets is he hiding from Annie? And what does he know about the Cullens?


My relationship with Jasper improved over the time we have been together. We have gotten closer than ever before. He has told me about this time with Maria and about the vampire war. He also told me how he met Alice and the Cullens. He even told me what it was like being all by himself. He confessed his secrets to me. I told him some of my secrets yet I still don't have the heart to tell him that he isn't real. I haven't told anyone about me not being me, that I am not AnneMarie, Isabella's twin sister. A couple of weeks ago I tried to give Jasper hints like we would talk about alternate universals and talk about what's beyond death. But he would always change the subject, we could never last more than five minutes. Perhaps he doesn't want to know what is after this life, maybe he believes that he'll be damned but I don't think so. If I could save his souls from entering the underworld than I would do it without a second thought. He's a good man that has a good heart but that has done terrible things. But that doesn't matter to me, all I need is him. All I need is his love and Jasper by my side and I know I can accomplish anything without a problem. I love Jasper Whitlock Cullen Hale and I'll continue to love him till my last dying breath.


A few months had past and the stabbed wound I received from James has healed. The bite mark it's still there and it still haunts me till this very day. I'm always covering it up with scarves around my neck. I mean it doesn't bother me but Jasper always stares at it. I guess it's a reminder to appreciate life a little more than usual. Bella and I stayed in Forks with dad, although our mother was disappointed and sad, she was happy that we were getting along with dad.

Guess what? It's now Senior year, our last year in high school. Jessica and the gang have a lot of great plans for this year. Alice has so many plans that I still don't know if we could do all of it since we're still humans. Sometimes Alice can be too much to handle.

Today is Bella's and mine 18th birthday and I'm not so happy about it. Why may you ask? Well because today is supposed to be all joyful, happy smile, but it's not. Today is the day where it all goes bad. Can I change the future? Perhaps not but I'll try. I'll try to make him stay... for me.

This morning dad came into my room, wishing me happy birthday. I kissed his cheek, thanking him. He gives me an envelope and inside of it, surprise! It's cash and some gift cards. I looked at him surprised that he would give me this much for my 18th birthday. But instead of asking questions I hugged him and thanked him. I pulled away and started to laugh, he looks at me confused.

"Now it's Bella's turn," I said smiling.

"I know," he said smiling.

Bella didn't want to celebrate our birthday this year. She didn't feel so good about being a year older than Edward, well physically she's older than him. But he still beats her by a century. I told her how ridiculous she's being but Bella being Bella she didn't listen. I mean why she is acting like this when our situation is unique. Bella's dating a vampire and she's worried about age. In a hundred years she wouldn't even give a damn about that.

Dad and I go into Bella's bedroom while she's still sleeping. I jumped on her bed waking her up.

"Happy birthday little sister," I said hugging her.

Bella begins to laugh and I made me laugh with her.

"Weirdos" dad said making us turn to him.

"Happy birthday, Bells," dad says.

"I thought we agreed, no presents," Bella said frowning.

"You said, I didn't,"I scoffed and she rolls her eyes.

"Well, mine isn't wrapped. So, doesn't count" he said giving Bella her camera.

She accepted the presents.

"Thanks, dad it's actually great," Bella said smiling at him.

"The other one is from your mother. we coordinated, well, she coordinated with me. It's to put your pictures in, from senior year. Wow, senior year, how'd you girls get so old so fast?" dad joked.

"So does this make you ancient?" I joked.

Dad playfully glares at me and I smirked at him.

"We- I didn't. It's not that old" Bella said frowning.

Dad and I shared a look before turning to Bella.

"I don't know, Bella. 18 is pretty old" I joked and she glares at me.

"And besides is that a grey hair?" dad said pointing at her hair.

"Omg, it is"I gasped and pointed at her hair.

"No!" Bella says panicking.

She runs to the mirror checking if we weren't lying. When we see that there weren't any grey hairs she turns glaring at dad and me. However, we were smirking at her.

"Happy birthday girls," dad said leaving us.

"Really funny" she sarcastically said.

Bella turns to the mirror double checking if there weren't any grey hairs that she missed. As she does this I walk to her put a rose gold necklaces around her neck. Through the mirror I see her frowning.


"Happy birthday twin" I cuff of Bella.

Looking down at the oval-shaped necklaces that is actually a locket. Bella opens it and sees a photo of Bella and I smiling, Edward took it when we went on a hike this summer. It was a nice sunny day, Alice and I decided it was a good idea to take pictures. Edward captured the perfect picture of Bella and me smiling at each other. Bella looks up at me with teary eyes.

"Annie, I love it," she said before giving me a tight hug.

"You'll always have me close to your heart," I said hugged her tighter.

Bella pulls away confused but instead of replying I wiped away her fallen tear.

"Let's get ready," I said.

Bella nods and I kissed her cheek.

"Happy birthday Bells" I smiled at her.

"Happy birthday Annie" Bella smiled at me.

With that I went back into my room to get ready for school.

Annie's outfit for the day:

Annie's outfit for the day:

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