White Rose

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Third Person POV:

Looking at the x-rays of the fetus in Bella.

"Your rib is cracked. But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything" Carlisle said looking at Edward and Bella. Edward was standing by the window and Bella was laying on a bed. 

"Yet," Edward commented looking at Bella.

"Edward," Carlisle warns him. 

"It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her," Edward said looking at Carlisle, begging him to reason with her. 

"Carlisle, tell me. It's alright," Bella said in a weak tone. Carlisle looks at Bella and sighs. 

"The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver," Carlisle told Bella. Bella's eyes swelled up and she looks away from Carlisle, then she takes a deep breath and looks back at him. 

"Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then--"

"Bella, there are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. I'm sorry" Carlisle said before walking out of the room. Bella watches him leave then turns to Edward. 

"Edward, I'm sorry," Bella tells him.

"I can't live without you," he said looking at her with a painful expression. 

"You won't. You're gonna have a part of me. He'll need you," Bell tells Edward touching her stomach. Edward looks at her stomach with so much hate.

"Do you honestly think that I would love it or even tolerate it if it killed you?" Edward asked. 

"It's not his fault. You have to accept what is," Bella said making Edward angrier. 

"Because you've given me no choice! Bella, we're supposed to be partners, remember? But you decided this on your own. You've decided to leave me," 

"Don't see it that way," Bella said frowning. 

"Well, I have no other way to see it. 'Cause it's me who'll lose you. And I don't choose that, I don't choose that," he said and he walks to the door but stops as Bella screamed at him.

"DO YOU THINK ANNIE WANTED TO LEAVE? DO YOU THINK JASPER WANTED TO LOSE ANNIE???" Bella screamed at Edward and he quickly turns to her. 

"This is something we cannot control. This is a miracle and blessing--" Edward cut of Bella.

"No, it's not. That thing--" 

"That thing is out baby and Annie--" 

"SHE GONE!! ANNIE'S DEAD!!! SHE ISN'T COMING BACK!!" Edward screamed at Bella and she flinches.

"Annie's gone, Bella. She's dead, we all saw it. We all saw how she died. And she isn't coming back" Edward said as tears gather in his golden eyes but they won't fall down.

"Dean said---"

"You're going to believe that traitor?" Edward asked in disbelief and Bella nods.

"He's an Angel--"

"Who took away your twin sister. He killed Annie. He made her insane before killing her, Bella." Edward said staring at her. However, Bella didn't answer him instead she wiped a tear away.

"I made a promise to her, Bella. I made a promise to Annie to keep you alive, safe, and happy. Annie wanted you to live. She wanted you to survive. And you're going against it, you're going against your sister's final wish" Edward said angrily at her.

"Annie would have wanted me to do this. She would want us to have this baby. If anything happens to me--"

"Then you'll be dead just like her. Both sisters will die leaving their mates alone," Edward said before leaving the room. Bella watched as her husband left the room and began to cry. 

"Annie, what should I do?" Bella whispers looking out the window. 


Edward walks out of the house and goes into the woods, ignoring the others calls for him. It wasn't safe for them to walk in the woods since Sam and the others were planning on harming them. However, Edward had to get away before he said another thing he'll regret. When he knew he was far away from the house but close enough to go just in case someone decided to attack. Edward looked around the wood, feeling angry, he goes and punches a tree causing it to fall down. He screams at the sky, wanting to cry but he knew it won't help much and besides he couldn't cry. He screamed for a minute before he falling on his knees with his head hanging down. Out of the nowhere, a voice caught his attention, a voice he never thought he'll hear again. Whipped his head back and stared at the figure sitting on the tree he just broke. The figure was transparent, wearing a long white dress, her long brown wavy hair down like before, her bright hazel eyes shining with the grass below her, and her smile, oh her smile so bright like the sun. Edward stared at her in shocked, not believing it was actually her. The figure waved at him and laughed at his expression. 

"You look stupid," she said laughing. It seems as though Edward is frozen, he can't move, he can't talk, the only thing he could do is stare at his dead sister-in-law. 

"Cat got your tongue?" she asked smiling at him, however, he didn't answer. She rolls her eyes but smiles.

"A-Annie?" Edward asked shocked. Her smile grew and she waved at him again. 

"Hello there, brother," she said smiling at him. Edward slowly gets up.

"You're dead," Edward asked still surprised that Annie is there with him. Annie rolls her eyes but smiles.

"Very good, Eddie," Annie smirks at him but Edward didn't find any of this funny. 

"How--where---who?" Edward couldn't begin to understand what's going on with his mind right now. 

"How are you here?" he finally asked. 

"Beats me," Annie said shrugging. 

"No, really. You're dead. I saw you. I was there when we buried you," Edward said. Instead of responding back Annie looks at the sky and frowns. From Edward's point of view, it seems as though she's listening to something. Trying to hear something from far away. Edward looks to the sky and tried to see what she was doing. But when he couldn't he looks back at Annie who was now frowning. 

"I don't have much time. But listen protect Bella, make sure--" she stops and turns around. She then turns back to Edward with a frown.

"Time's up," Annie said before disappeared. 

Edward quickly went to the spot she disappeared and on the ground, there was a white rose covered in red. Edward slowly but gently picks it up and looks around. There were so many questions he wanted to ask but he didn't get the chance. But the most important question, Are you coming back?

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