Twilight 16: I chose him

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I didn't know that death is peaceful, I didn't know that it felt falling asleep. Once I closed my eyes I began to float away. I watched my soul leave my body and i stood there watching my loved ones cry for me. I watched how Bella sobbed on Edward's shoulder, I watched how Carlisle tried to bring me back. I watched how Alice and Emmett stood in the back with their head down. I watched how the flames burned away James, leaving him into nothing. And last I watched how Jasper screamed at me to come back I hear his screams. I hear his promises of never letting me go, I heard his cries but in the end, I didn't know if I could stay. I didn't know if I was allowed to stay.

Suddenly there was a bright light shining I turned around and saw a figure in the middle. Then I wasn't in the ballet studio nor I wasn't with my family. I didn't know where i was. The light shined bright and brighter. I wanted to go in but I didn't know if I should. Taking a step forward I hear another voice call out to me. I turned around expecting someone to be there but there wasn't anyone. Turning around the figure from before vanished. Taking another step towards the light the voice called out once again.

"Don't go in there!" it said.

Turning around there wasn't anyone there.

"Who there?" I asked.

But the voice didn't respond. I had a clue but I didn't want to accept it so I didn't think of it more. Taking another step forward the voice called out and this time a figure appeared. I couldn't see it since he was far away from me. But someone I knew he wasn't bad I knew he was there to protect me.

"Don't go there, Jenny!" he said.

I stared at it shocked. He called me by my actual name, Jenny. Not Annie or AnneMarie but Jenny. This figure knew me but how?

"You know my name," I said

I heard him chucked and I liked it, it sounded like bells.

"Of course I know your name. I know all about you, Jenny" he said.

I took another step but he stopped laughing.

"You have to choose," he said.

I stopped walking and I stared at him. What does he mean I have to choose?

"Him or here," he said.

"Him," I said without a second beat.

"I always knew it was going to be him but I hope you won't regret it, Jenny. Just know you won't get a second chance. The next will be your last." he said.

Annie looks at him shocked from knowing that. The figure turns around and begins to walk.

"How long do I have left?" Annie asked.

She wanted to know she wanted to know before she makes a big decision in her new life. Will she be here or will she die before anything happens? They figure turned and stared at Annie, somehow Annie knew he was frowning which she didn't like.

"Not long," he said before everything turned black.

No One's POV:

Annie's eyes were closed. But slowly they start to open. Annie squints at the light. An oxygen tube rest under her nose. Annie reaches for it, confused. A hand stops Annie from reaching the tube. Annie's surrounding comes into focus.

"You're awake, baby! You're okay" a voice calls out.

Annie turns to see who it belongs to and she gets a surprise of her life. Her mother Rene was sitting on the bed staring at her with a concerned expression. Annie lies in a hospital bed. Bandaged all over her left shoulder. Annie was in bad shape. Rene hovers over her, tears in her eyes. On the dresser, Annie sees 'get well' cards and a photo of her friends from Forks. A photo they took when they all went to the beach.

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