The pack

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Annie's talking     wolves talking


The following morning Edward wanted us to train with the pack. So we went into a large field surrounded by dense forest. I notice that this is where they used to fight the newborns. While we waited for the pack, the others began their mini duels. William and Emmett went against each other. It appeared as though if Emmett was going to win, but suddenly I see Emmett being flung through the air and he lands hard on his back. Immediately he springs up to face William and growls at him, however, William just smirks and waited for him to come attack. As I watched them duel, I started to wonder, how am I going to fight when I'm supposed to wear the covering/veil. When Aro and the others see me they'll force me to take it off and I cannot let that happen. 

I came up with an idea but I don't think William will like it. I see William and Emmett end their duel with William's hands around Emmett's neck. Emmett is looking pissed off. Shaking my head, I called William over and he came. As I was explaining my idea to him, William kept on shaking his head. 

"Are you crazy?" William asked staring at me. I rolled my eyes and he sighs. I see the others slowly stop their duels and turn to us.

William-- he cuts me off. 

"Hazel, you have to understand even my gift has a limit. And you... you're kinda pushing it. I've never done that many people all at once," William said frowning. 

"What's going on?" Peter said walking towards us. We turn to the others and they were staring at us. But before William had the chance to explain himself, they arrived. From out of the mist, SIXTEEN GIANT WOLVES came out by the treeline and stood there. They were wary and on-edge as well as the others vampires. I don't think the vampires have been near a shapeshifter without trying to kill them. I recognize a few of the wolves but the others were new. I smirked when I heard their thought and even Edward chuckled.

Who's the creep underneath the black blanket? They all thought, well besides Jake, since he has seen me before. Edward turns to me and smirks and I scoffed. Suddenly Peter speaks up looking at the wolves.

"They don't trust us," Peter says glaring at them.

Of course, they wouldn't. We're natural enemies, Peter turns to me and smirks. 

Once again it was Edward and Carlisle who greeted them and explain what's happening. We were going to spare with them and I don't know if it will be a good idea since they're extremely hothead especially Paul. Carlisle said that this time Peter, William, and Garrett will be the ones who will be teaching us how to fight against the Volturi since they have more experience in combat. Charlotte didn't want to show them, she said she really isn't the teaching kind. It was mostly Jasper and Peter who taught them how to fight.

As Carlisle was explaining to them, the wolves would casually turn their attention to me. Their thoughts were amusing to listen to and especially when Sam and Jake ordered them to stay focus. When Carlisle finished, he let the boys take over. They broke us into groups and we'll fight against each other. 

You got with placed with the creep, a wolf said to Leah and I see her wolf-eyes rolled. 

That thing is a girl? Another one asked looking at me and the others did too.

Why is that weirdo wearing a blanket? Jared-wolf asked looking at the others. I see Jake-wolf looking nervous and yet he doesn't say anything. I wonder why?

"Hazel can read your mind," suddenly Edward says smirking and the wolves stiff. 

Great, weirdo has powers, Jared-wolf said sighing and I rolled my eyes. 

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