Eclipse 2: Should I or Should I Not?

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It's been three days since Dean came to Forks. It's been three whole fucken days since he's been stalking me. Like it's crazy how he's everywhere. He's at the coffee shop when I'm there with Bella and dad. He's at the local supermarket when I'm there. He's everywhere and whenever I turn to glare at him, he smiles and waves at me. Sometimes I want to go up to him and slap off his damn smile but I can't. I promised dad I wouldn't cause any more fights this year. But damn Dean's making it harder for me to keep my promise.

The day after I met Dean, I saw him with Sam at the rez. It seemed like they were old friends, laughing and talking together. When they saw me staring at them, Dean smiled and waved at me while Sam just stared. Rolling my eyes I turned back around and headed to my house. I didn't even want to know what those two were up or how they knew each other.

Today was a normal day, well expect that Dean was sitting at another table staring at me. I sat with my friends and the Cullens in our usual table. I tried to ignore Dean as much as possible but damn his irresistible with that damn smile.

"You know should go over there and talk to him" I heard Mike say.

I turn to him and raised my eyebrow.

"And why should i do that?" i asked.

Mike sighed and turned to Dean.

"I don't know whatever is going on between you two but whatever it is-"

"There's nothing going on between us, Mike," I said and Jessica scoff.

"Yeah right, I could feel the sexual tension from all the way over here," she said.

I saw Jasper tighten his fist but didn't say anything. Edward and Alice frowned and Bella looked confused.

"Just go and talk to him, Annie. He's pretty cool" Angela said.

I turned to Dean and sighed. Getting up from my seat and went over to Dean's table. While walking to his table I felt everyone's stares. Sitting down in front of him I crossed my arms and stared at him. Dean smiled at me but didn't say anything. We were quiet for a while until I sighed.

"How do you know Sam?" I asked and he tilts his head to the side.

"Sam Uley. You were in the Rez a few days back, how do you know him?" I asked.

"We're old friends," he said smiling.

He's hiding something and the curiosity is killing me.

"Why are you here?" I asked

Dean's smile grew.

"To finish my high-"

"Cut the crap, Dean. Why are you really here?" I said getting annoyed with him.

Dean's smile fell and looked over my shoulder. Turning around I saw Edward, Alice, and Jasper all narrowing their eyes at us. Turning back to Dean he had a blanket face.

"I'll tell you if you come with me"

"No" I simply said and Dean sighs.

"You didn't even let me finish," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll tell you if you come with me after school. I'll like to show you something" he said making me narrow my eyes at him. What possible can he show me?

"What do you want to show me?" I asked making him smile.

"Come with me and you'll find out," Dean said getting up from his seat. Turning around I watched him leave the cafeteria with a sly smirk. Getting up from the seat and walked to the others. Jasper was staring at me and I couldn't figure out his emotions. I turned around and got things just before Jessica spoke.

"So, what happened?" she said.

"Nothing," I said before leaving them. I didn't know what he wanted to show me and maybe going with him won't be such a bad idea.

~~~~~~~~~after school~~~~~~~~~~

Dean parked his car where we used to park it when we first came here. We were staring at each other from across the parking lot. I was really debating if I should or not. I really wanted to know what he wanted to show me. I made up my mind but when I hear Alice gasped turning to her as I see her staring at me with a worried expression.

"Don't go," she said in a sad tone.

I stared at her confused because I wasn't gonna go but apparently I was. Suddenly I hear the voice from before calling out my name. Sharply I turn to Dean and he was staring at me with an intense stare, waiting for me.

"Annie, stay with us," Alice said again.

I turn to her and wonder what she meant by that? What did she mean when she said to stay with them. Did she see me leave?

"What did you see?" I asked her.

She didn't answer but her expression told me she didn't like it. I turn to Edward and he had the same expression then I turn to Jasper. He had a pleading look, asking me to stay here, asking me to not go. I turn to Dean and he had the same expression as Jasper but he was asking the opposite of Jasper. Dean's expression was begging me to go to him, he was begging me to go with him, to leave with him. Confused and conflicted about what should I do? I didn't know what to do. If I stay and not go with Dean, what does that mean? And if I go with Dean, does that mean I'll leave and never come back? I saw Dean nod his head and I knew he was silently answering my questions.

Turning around I got in the truck and drove off. I wasn't leaving nor was I staying, this was me not deciding anything. I got home and locked myself in there. I went to shut my window and covered it with my curtains so Jasper wouldn't come. I turned off my phone I didn't want people to call me I didn't want anyone to bother me. I went to the corner of my room and sat there, thinking what should I do? What could I do? Should I stay or should I leave? The rest of the day I spend it in my darkroom, contemplating my choices.

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