Twilight 4: days without him

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"I'm gonna do it today," Bella said.

"Bells, just don't"

"Annie yes, I am"

"Dude, just leave it!"

Bella and I have been arguing all morning about her confronting Edward about his attitude. I keep on telling her it's a bad idea but she keeps on insisting.

"No, I'm gonna tell him off. I mean c'mon Annie, who stares at a person like that?" Bella said tightening the steering wheel.

"Maybe he was having a bad day," I said trying to defend him.

I mean just because I know what they are doesn't mean I'm not gonna tell her. She gotta figure it out on her own. If I tell her then what the whole point? And besides, if I tell her she wouldn't even believe me, I won't even believe me.

"Annie please, just this once be on my side"

I nodded which made Bella happy.

"Okay but if he doesn't anything to you I'm going to throw him some water," I said

More like I'll throw him some holy water, I smirked to myself. And besides, I know he won't be here until Friday or was it Thursday. But that's beside the point, the point is that he won't be here so Bells won't even have to confront him until later on.

Day one without Edward:

Pulling into the parking lot we see only one fancy car. Surprise, surprise Mr. Edward Cullen isn't here. Bella looks over at the car and sighs.

"Maybe he's sick?" I suggested.

Bella rolls her eyes and gets off the car. Sighing myself I climbed out of the car and followed her. Glancing at the Cullens I made eye contact with Jasper, however, this time it was him who looked away. Frowning I turned around and continue to walk.

School continued to go on like yesterday but without Edward. Jasper wasn't talking to me in Government class.  Throughout the whole class, it was quiet. Jasper wouldn't even glance my way when I would whisper his name. However, I would catch him glancing my way when he thought I wasn't paying attention to him. At the end of class, I was going to apologize to him, however, when the bell rang he quickly got up and left. Leaving me with my mouth opened and feeling hurtful. He continues to ignore me throughout the day even at lunch he turned his back on me.

Bella and I left school feeling hurt and disappointed. After school, I decided to go get ice cream in our local ice shop. While I was waiting in line I notice a fancy car parked next to the bakery. I wondered what the Cullens are doing here. It had to be them because c'mon who owns that kind of car? Ordering my favorite ice cream, a rocky road I went to sit down outside. The ice cream shop was near a park. I smiled as i watched the little kids run around, laughing and screaming. Minding their own business not having a care in the world. When you're little you don't pay attention to the world around you. you don't know how dangerous the world is or how beautiful it truly is. It's all fun and games until you come to age. Those were the good old time. After a while, I got up went back in and order Bella's her ice cream I left the shop.  As I was leaving the shop I notice that the fancy car left at the same time as I did. Mmm, strange I thought.

Day two without Edward:

The following day, surprise Edward didn't come and Bella was getting annoyed with Edward for not showing up. And she was taking her anger out on me which caused me to get irritated at everyone. Especially today, Jasper was being a jerk. In government class, we had to do a worksheet with our partner and it was the worst thing ever. He would find a way to disagree with me. Always talking back or he wouldn't even answer my questions. And my questions were anything personal or anything it all had to do with our assignment. To be honest, government class wasn't my favorite or my best subject and I needed a little extra help and Jasper wasn't helping, at all. His rudeness continues throughout the entire class. So halfway through the work, I got fed up with his attitude so I sharply turned around and did my own sheet. If he was going to ack like a jerk than he'll be treated like a jerk.

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