Eclipse 12: Goodbye

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3rd POV:

"W-what?" Charlie asked Dr. Cullen.

"I'm sorry, Charlie" Dr. Cullen replied looking guilty and shamed. Charlie stumbled back, looking around as Annie's twin sister was crying hard on her boyfriend, Edward's shoulder. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Esme weren't looking at Charlie they were looking away from him.

"Y-your kidding," Charlie asked but Dr. Cullen shook his head. Angry, Charlie pushed Dr. Cullen to the wall.

"TELL ME YOU'RE KIDDING!" Charlie screamed at Dr. Cullen.

"Charlie please, we did all we could. We couldn't save her" Dr. Cullen said in a soft tone, trying to calm this father.

"YOU LIE!!" Charlie pushed Dr. Cullen back again, but this time Emmett grabbed Charlie's shoulder, bring him back.

"YOU LIE, MY LITTLE GIRLS ISN'T DEAD" Charlie screamed as tears came down his face.

"Please.... not my little girl," Charlie said in a vulnerable tone. In the back, Bella cried harder as she saw her father break down.


"Where is she? Where is my little girl?" Charlie asked, begging to see his little girl. Instead of saying anything Dr. Cullen only looked behind Charlie's shoulder indicating that she was just behind that door. Without a second thought, Charlie pulled away from Emmett's hold and walked inside the room. Everyone stared as Charlie went inside as the doors close, Charlie began screaming,

"NOO, ANNIE. PLEASE DEAR GOD NOOO!! MY ANNIE, ANNIE. BABYGIRL PLEASE WAKE UP, PLEASE BABY WAKE UP. DADDY IS HERE SO JUST WAKE UP PLEASE." Charlie's screams and sobs could be heard from outside the room. Bella cried harder after hearing her father's cries, crying for his little girl. She heard all his calls for her, begging her to open her eyes, begging her to open them.

Charlie's cries broke everyone's heart, pained them to see such strong man break down for his little girl. You could hear the pain he felt in his cries, in his calls, in his shouts. No one should ever go through that, the loss of a child is too much for a parent to bear.


It's been a week since that day, five days since they trained, three days since they fought the newborn's army, and today is the day that they all dread. Everyone came, friends from high school, the Swan's mother and stepfather, their relatives. Everyone, including people who never talked to her, people who never got the chance to know the happy AnneMarie, they're all here. Today is the only day where they'll meet her, sadly this is the day of Annie's funeral. Minutes later a hearse and one huge limo arrived at the house. The family filled into the vehicles while the drivers loaded the hearse with the numerous roses. Annie's loved roses, especially the white one, she loved how pure and beautiful they were.

The family arrived at the funeral location where the service would take place. The atmosphere, oh the atmosphere, it not only looked depressing but it felt bitter and sad. Everyone had the same thought in their minds, why did she have to die? She was a good person, why her? Why her?

Even though this was a funeral, it was a sunny day, birds chirping and even the flowers were blooming on such a gloomy day. The Cullens were out, wearing all day, their face covered in a mourning hat, the ladies had a veil covering thier faces. If Annie were here, she would make a joke about how funerals are the only time where they'll face their true faces to the others. Besides, all her high school friends, the Cullens, her family, people from the rez, the neighbors, and some stranger came to the funeral making the air a little too stuffy. Annie was a very popular person, she was loved, respected and everyone she met, she made a good impression.

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