Aro and the Volturi

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3rd POV:

When it was time for the Volturi to arrive, the Cullens, their witnesses, and the pack all gathered in a large, snow-covered field. Today was the day they all been preparing for. This moment is the reason why they all gathered. They all position themselves just like they planned. 

"If we live through this. I'll follow you anywhere, woman," Garrett tells Kate who is standing next to him. 

"Now you tell me," Kate smirks. 

Hazel and William stood in the front, as the protectors. William turns to Hazel and took her hand and she turned to him. Before coming here, William and Hazel had a small argument he didn't want her here. He didn't want them knowing about her. He wanted her to be as far away from here but she wouldn't leave. She didn't want to leave her family and besides she had to be here. She had to meet him here.

William and Hazel didn't need any words to express themselves. They knew what the other was thinking. William stared at Hazel, everyone could see what he wanted to say. He was happy to have met her, he was proud to call her sister, he was proud to be standing next to her at this moment about to make history. Whether they lose or not, they were together.  Both turn when they hear the Volturi and their army getting closer. 

"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming!" Garrett says making them more nervous. 

You're not helping the situation, Hazel says. Garrett turns to Hazel and shrugs. 

Suddenly the Volturi appeared right in front of them. The Volturi stares at the Cullens and their witnesses. But one of them caught their attention, the strange person wearing a long back veil. They all wondered who was she and why was she wearing the veil. Aro looks at her for a few seconds before looking for two people he wants. One he wants for her gift while the other he wants by his side, but neither of them was here. 

"Aro's looking for Annie and Alice," Edward says. Besides the Cullen, William, and Hazel, the others didn't know why Aro was looking for Annie. Bella's dead twin sister, what made her so special?

Aro and his army gets closer but stopped when they see the wolves coming out to join the Cullens and their witnesses. Jacob-wolf comes and stands next to Bella, Renesmee, and Edward. Hazel turns sideways and made eye contact with Leah-wolf, both nodding their head in mutual respects. In a way, they're apologizing for the way they acted the previous day. Neither of them holding a grudge against the other. 

As the Volturi stand in a line facing the Cullens and the others, Carlisle walks forward. 

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner," Carlisle says. Aro smiled his famous creepy smile while Cauis scoffs.

"Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place given the battalion, you've assembled against us," Aro said calmy but he was itching to fight them.

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken," Carlisle reassured them. Caius angrily walks up to Aro.

"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools," Caius hissed. 

"She is not an Immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks," Carlisle said looking at his granddaughter. 

"Artifice!" Caius yelled. The Cullens and their witnesses became stiff and on guard.

"I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story" Aro tells his brother. Aro looks around and spots something unusual. The immortal child turned to the stranger in all black, extending her hand so she can hold it. Aro watched as the stranger walk to next to her and the wolf, who nodded at it. Aro then looks over at Edward and gives out his usual creepy smile.

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