Twilight 6: Jacksonville

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The weekend after the accident, I spend it laying down on my bed, eating junk food and listening to music. It was Saturday evening when Bella came up and we talked about everything. I mean everything, we talked about life, school, our parents, and of course about the Cullens. Even though I knew the Cullen's secret, I let Bella try to come with some theories and it was one of my best ideas. She came up with so many different things that if I didn't know their secrets I would agree with her. Like for example, she thought that Edward has a superpower and he's trying to be as low key as possible. She hasn't come up with any superpowers for the others but she suspects that they're not humans. At least she got that right.

While having this conversation with Bella I notice something. This whole new life is strange for me, a completely different experience. In my old life I had no one. My parents were always busy with work and never had time for me. It sucked because I was the only child. I didn't have anyone to talk too. I mean yeah, I had friends but they only liked me for my parent's money and status. And all of a sudden, I have a twin sister who I can talk too and share secrets, I have a father who cares about me yet is distance but nonetheless, he shows that he cares about me in his own way. And I have a mother who always checks up on me. I know I shouldn't compare this life to my old but honestly, I like this one better. But because there's vampires, werewolves and what not but because I feel like I have a purpose here. What purpose I do not know, perhaps I'll find out soon.

Sunday afternoon, I finally meet Billy and Jacob Black. The experience was funny because when I meet them I may or may not have fainted which made dad and Bella panic. They wanted to rush me to the hospital but I told them that I was fine I just moved too fast. Yeah, worse lie ever but somehow they believed it. Billy kept on questioning me about what happened. I had a feeling he knew something I didn't but I guess that Billy Black for you. I told him what I keep on telling everyone. The lie I came up with is that I don't really remember much only small parts. I told them I remember the van coming towards us, I remember somehow dropping to the ground, then people came to help us, and lastly getting to the hospital. I feared that Bella might mention Edward but she didn't which I found it a good thing. We don't want the wolves to hate them more if that's even possible. After our little discussion about the accident, Bella, Jake, and I went up to my room. We hanged out until it was time for Billy and Jake to leave. I liked Jake he was funny, charming, and sarcastic. While we hung out, I would notice that Jake would often steal glances at Bella and Bella being Bella, she didn't even notice. When he notices that I was watching him, staring at Bella, I smirked at him and he looked away blushing. I thought it was pretty cute that he had a crush on her. I guess that's what young loves does to one. When they left, Jake promised that he'll visit soon so we can hang out again.

Monday morning, I woke up with a killer headache. I debated if I should go to school or not. After many minutes laying down, I grunted and got up for the day. I wasn't going to let a small headache stop me from attending school, I wasn't that weak. After getting ready for the day I waited for Bella downstairs. I was in the kitchen eating an apple when my dad comes inside. He stares at me for a little before speaking up.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

I looked up at him, frowning.

"What you mean? What am I doing? I'm eating an apple" I replied showing him my apple.

Dad rolls his eyes at my comment.

"I mean why are you up? You're not going to school today," he says.

"Why not?" I argued.

"Because you're hurt," he says.

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"The accident happened three days ago" I argued and dad sighs.


"Hey Annie, you ready?" Bella said, cutting off dad.

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